Managing Global Attributes - V9


Navigate to: Admin > Global Attributes

Global attributes are custom data attributes that can be created and assigned to various entities (User, Store, and Account) in Znode. Znode comes with many default Global Attributes to get the store off the ground. Using this module, the Administrator can create/edit/delete attributes that can be used in User, Account, and Store entities. 

In the Manage Forms section of the CMS, Administrators can create custom forms that use the Global Attributes to build the individual parts of a form. Attribute Types determine what type of input to accept and, ultimately, how users will interact with the form and what data is collected. Attributes can be grouped together to better organize the form. 

Add Attribute

Navigate to: Admin > Global Attributes > "Add New"



Entity Type

Select the Entity type.

Attribute Type

Select the attribute type.


Add a unique alphanumeric code.


Select if the attribute is required or not.

Is localizable

Select if the attribute needs to be localized or not.

Help Description

Add help description for the attribute, it will help Administrators understand how the attribute is used

Display Order

Add a display order for the attribute.


Add the attribute labels for available locales.

  1. Swatch Image - The administrator can add the details in the swatch Image.
    1. Code - The administrator can add unique code to this. (Alphanumeric value without space is accepted)
    2. Display Order - The administrator can decide on the display order. 
    3. Swatch - The administrator can select the swatch image in this section. 
  2. Swatch Text - The administrator can add the details in the swatch Text.
    1. Code - The administrator can add unique code to this. (Alphanumeric value without space is accepted) 
    2. Display Order - The administrator can decide on the display order. 
    3. Swatch - By clicking into this box, the administrator can select the swatch from the swatch (color) box. By default, #FFFFFF is selected. 
  3. Text - The administrator can add the details in the Text
    1. The administrator can add a unique code to this. (Alphanumeric value without space is accepted) 
    2. Display Order - The administrator can decide on the display order.

Edit Attribute

Navigate to:  Admin > Global Attributes > Manage

  1. Make the required changes in the attribute

  2. Click on save

  3. The new changes will be saved.

Delete Attribute

Navigate to: Admin > Global Attributes "Delete Icon"

  1. Click on delete.

  2. The screen reloads with a confirmation message.

  3. The attribute is now deleted.

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