Steps to configure Application Logs Cleanup using MongoDB
Step 1:
Please Find Attached js(extn is .js) file and place the file in C:\MongoDB\4.2\bin folder.
.Jsfile, batchfile
Step 2: Edit File
use <DBName>:-- Database name on which we have to perform operation
db.logmessageentity.remove({ CreatedDate:{ $lte : new Date(ISODate().getTime() - 1000 * 86400 * 60)} });--replace 60 with the no. of days of which you want to delete logs
Step 3 :
Please find the Attached batch (extn is .bat) file and place the same in any drive available on a machine like c:\ or d:\
Step 4:
Edit the batch file :
echo Starting log collection clearing...
cd C:\MongoDB\4.2\bin\ --please give the proper path where the js file has been placed
mongo <deleteLogMessagesLogs.js
echo log collection removed.
Step 5:
Setup done now we can Cleanup logs by executing(Simply double click on the batch file) the batch file or we can schedule the activity using windows task scheduler.
Steps to Schedule tasks in Windows task Scheduler.
Step 1:Go to task scheduler click on create task then click on below mentioned check boxes,
The User must be administrators.
Step 2:
Step 3: Go to trigger schedule the task accordingly as per the requirement.
Step 4: Go to actions browse batch file
Step 5:
Task is scheduled, click on Ok.
Mongo 6.0 Version : required MongoSH for Command Shell
From MongoDB 5 Version, Command Shell is deprecated, to Execute the js files we need to install MongoSH explicitly.
Move JS file to the MongoSH bin folder and reconfigure the scheduler accordingly.