Release Notes

Release Date:  July 1, 2022


Znode 9.7.3 Release Webinar Series - Part 1

Znode 9.7.3 Release Webinar Series - Part 2


Release Information

Znode 9.7.3 release includes many new features and enhancements along with some minor bug fixes and important merges from Znode version


Video: 9.7.2 Release Webinar Series - Part 1 - Marketing and Customer Experience Enhancements

Video: 9.7.2 Release Webinar Series - Part 2 - Merchandising Updates

Software Upgrades

[ZPD-18836] - TinyMCE Editor Upgrade

TinyMCE Editor has been upgraded from version 4.4.3 to the latest version 6.0.2

[ZPD-19072] - Newtonsoft DLL Upgrade

Newtonsoft DLL has been upgraded to the latest version 13.0.1

New Features

  1. Save Cart
  2. Extensible Klaviyo integration to track abandoned cart events
  3. Configurable option to display products from child categories into parent categories
  4. Category association into Catalog import
  5. Brands import


  1. Search Profile enhancements to allow admin users to have more control over the Elasticsearch configurations from Znode admin.
  2. Sitemap configuration and storage enhancements
  3. Provision to remove/change B2B account with a user account
  4. Configurable option at the user level to enable/disable sending/receiving SMS notifications
  5. Authorize.Net payment gateway iframe integration

Important Information And Breaking Changes 


Changes from the version patch are merged into the 9.7.3 version.

Klaviyo Integration

This integration will track user activities on the web store. Project teams can extend this integration to send abandoned cart emails to the customers (shoppers).

Authorize.Net Iframe Integration

Direct integrations have been replaced with iframe integrations for more secure payment processing.

Forget/Reset Password Link Generation

The Reset Password link will now be sent to the email address instead of username email address.

Note- After resetting a password, users will not automatically get logged in to the application.

Sitemap/Feed Changes

Sitemap/Feed File Name will be predefined and therefore admin users will not be able to add/edit the same for the feed.

Search Profile Enhancements - Admin Screens Additions Change

  • Search Profiles will require publishing to make the settings applicable on the web store and also to check the searching behavior in the admin application.
  • Index Time settings like Ngram’s Min Gram - Max Gram and Character Filter mapping is provided on the Add/Edit Search Profile screens
  • One Search Profile can be created for one Catalog only and will be applicable on all the Stores where the Catalog is applied. There Default Search Profile behavior is therefore removed.
  • No old data support should be provided. Admin users should create new search profiles or create indexes with the system defined search profile
  • It is recommended that if users want to publish ‘Catalog with draft products only’ then they should make sure that the search profile (admin/system defined) is updated and published prior otherwise the new search profile settings will be applicable on the draft products only and old settings will be applicable on the remaining products unless the complete Catalog is published again or index is recreated.

No Support for Cybersource

  • Cybersource payment gateway will not be supported for making the payments in this Znode v9.7.3

Other Breaking Changes

Please refer to this Breaking Changes Document for more information.

New Features

[ZPD-17172] - Save Cart 

Shopper Experience

The new feature “Save Cart” providing users with the flexibility to save all items in their cart for future use has been introduced

  • If there are any products in the cart and the user would like to save the cart, then, 
    • The user can create a new save cart to add the products currently in the cart to a saved cart (It will be mandatory for a user to add a unique name every time they wish to save the list of items) or 
    • Can save the items in the existing Saved Cart by choosing it out of the ones that are being created
  • Once all line items are saved in the Saved Carts section the original cart will be empty as all products are saved in the selected saved cart 
  • The saved carts are editable and the user will have the ability to modify the quantity of every line item within the cart
  • Save Cart feature will only be available for logged-in users
  • User will not be allowed to save the entire cart if any Errors are encountered (Min/Max limit, exceeding available quantity, etc) for all or few of the items available in the cart, all the Errors would need to be solved before the checkout process 
  • Items with personalization, Add-ons, and custom fields will be considered the same as of cart while saving the entire cart i.e. if the cart has few or all items with personalized text then the product(s) with all the personalization details will be saved in the Saved Carts section 
  • All product types i.e simple, bundle, grouped, and configurable will be saved in the Saved Carts 
  • Pricing is displayed on the “Saved Carts” section: 
  • Retail/Sales/Tier/Discounted (amount/percent off displayed product price) price if configured then the existing behavior of the cart section will be considered for the Saved Carts section

[ZPD-19130] - Extensible Klaviyo integration to track abandoned cart events

Administration/Shopper Experience

  • Klaviyo has been integrated with Znode to track abandoned carts so that projects that are using Znode can further extend or customize email notifications for abandoned carts as per their business needs
  • A new Email Marketing tab has been added on the store level, email configuration settings are to be made in order to activate this
  • The information to be provided under this email configuration setting are:
  • Name of the provider (Which is only Klaviyo for now and on selecting the same the below fields will be appearing) 
    • Username 
    • Password 
    • API Key
  • A tracking script provided by Klaviyo has been added to Znode for the below events on the Maxwell’s Hardware theme:
  • User Login Event - to track the logged-in user’s identity
  • Product View Event - to track the product details page views
  • Add To Cart Event - to track the product added to the cart
  • Checkout Success Event - to track if the order is placed successfully
  • Whenever a Klaviyo account is connected to a Store and is enabled then the events mentioned in the point above will be tracked for each Store for the respective activities performed by the registered customers (shoppers) and the following information will be passed to Klaviyo for customers that are subscribed to receive email notifications:
  • User Details:
    • Store Code

    • Store Name

    • Username

    • Email Address

    • First Name

    • Last Name

    • Company Name

    • Phone Number

  • Product Details:
    • Product Name

    • SKU (the unique ID)

    • Quantity

    • Product Image URL (main image)

    • Product URL (SEO or system generated)

    • Price (sale price if available, otherwise retail price)

  • Notes: 

  • Quantity should be tracked for cart event
  • The price that is displayed to the user should be sent.

Important Point: 

  • Klaviyo users belonging to the Klaviyo account that is connected with one or more Znode stores will be able to track the abandoned cart data for different stores individually
  • Implementation of sending abandoned cart email notifications to customers (shoppers) based on their activity on the web store is not considered for Znode base product

[ZPD-18417] - Configurable option to display products from child categories into parent categories

Administration/Shopper Experience

In the case of multiple levels in a hierarchy when a new product is added to a particular sub-category, it will automatically inherit or be visible under the Parent Category. For the same, there is a setting under the Store namely Enable Inheritance of Child products to Parent Category, which when checked will activate this feature

  • The changes will be seen on the Category list page as well as on the product list page

Important Point: 

  • The hierarchy of child categories with parent categories will not be displayed on the Category listing page on the Admin screens  

[ZPD-18879] - Category association into Catalog import


  • Category association will help users to define the category and its hierarchy that should be available for a particular Catalog to be displayed on the Web Store
  • On the import screen, a new Import Type - Catalog Category Association has been added in order to perform the category association activity
  • A new template for the same is added with the following columns within it
    • Parent Code
    • Category Code
    • Display Order
    • Action

  • For the action, the user can specify only between the two values i.e. add or delete
  • Multi-level category association can be added to the parent code which should be separated using the “/” separator
  • Any two categories added with the “/” will be considered as parent/child category association
  • For multi-level parent-child categories association, there should be a parent to child category1 association and then in the next row the parent-to-child category 1 to child category 2 should be added
    • Ex: 
      • ParentCategory
      • ParentCategory/ChildCategory1
      • ParentCategory/ChildCategory1/ChildCategory2

Important Point: 

  • This import does not give provision to add a new category into the system, it just allows the users to associate existing categories and define the hierarchy for the same
  • The display order for the category hierarchy within the catalog can only be defined once, next time this display order cannot be updated and the user will have to change the same through the admin application itself

[ZPD-19130] - Brands Import


  • A provision to import Brands has been made available in this version. Using the same, the Admin can add new brands as well as update the existing brand

  • There is a predefined template in the Import section using which the brands can be added and updated
  • In order to add a new import it will mandatory to choose only the brand code that is defined in the Znode under the PIM attributes

Important Point: 

  • Associating products with the Brand is not a provision through this import


[ZPD-17472] - Search Profile Enhancements - Admin Screens Additions Changes


In contrast to the previous Znode versions, the admin now has the capability to set the search profile configuration, this Enhancement has lead to few changes which are listed below:

  • Following sections are added in search profile section:
    • Catalog Code 
    • Publish Status - Published,Draft and Failed
  • Following sections are removed from search profile section:
  • Catalog typeahead filter shortcut
  • Following columns from the grid, Filter and Columns dropdown:
    • Catalog ID column

    • Store ID column

    • Store Name column

    • Is Default column

  • Set As Default from Tools dropdown and related validations
  • Individual search profiles now can be published after making changes using the Publish action, Publish Button was added under the Save & Close section
  • Individual search profiles now can be deleted using the Delete action, following two delete options are added:
    • Delete Search Profile and preserve indexed data” - the selected search profiles should be deleted and indexed data should be preserved.

    • “Delete Search Profile and the indexed data” - the selected search profiles and the indexed data should be deleted and Catalog should be reindexed with the system's default search profile

  • Test Your Search
    • Test Your Search is related to Search 

    • As publishing is required for the changes to be reflected on the web store, Test your Search (i.e. Search) works only after publishing.

  • Only one Search Profile can be created for a single Catalog
  • The following labels are added to the Searchable field section:
    • Field Name

    • Boost Score

  • A new setting “Enable N-gram” with yes/no options is added in the Searchable fields section, allowing configuration of N-gram on individual searchable fields with the help of text
    • Enable N-gram will be set = Yes for the following fields
      • Product Name
      • SKU
      • Brand
    • By default “No” will be selected when any other searchable field will be added
    • Following token filters are applied based on the Ngram setting
      • When Ngram is set = to Yes then
        • Search Time - Token Filter: (lowercase, stopwords, porterstem, shingle)
        • Index Time - Token Filter: (lowercase, synonym, stopwords, porterstem, ngram, shingle)
      • When Ngram is set = to No then
        • Search Time - Token Filter: (lowercase, stopwords, porterstem, shingle)
        • Index Time - Token Filter: (lowercase, synonym, stopwords, porterstem,  shingle)
    • When Ngram is set = to No then
  • N-gram Settings with the capability Min gram (minimum length) and Max gram (maximum length) for token generation are added
  • Character filter provides a text box for Admin users to define respective mapping against the individual mapping, i.e. Admin users can define what should be matched and fetched to display the expected results on the Web Store when a special character is entered as a search term with help text
    • Some of the characters require Unicode to be added for mapping and hence help text is added beside the “Ignore Special Characters” label

[ZPD-16957] - Sitemap Configuration and Storage Enhancements


The XML SiteMap option within the drop-down ‘Type Of XML Site Map’ under the Dev Center→ Product feed→Create Product Feed has been enhanced in order to provide a better structured Sitemap for Product, Content and Category under a Store. The changes made can be seen below:

  • The following will be removed
    • Locale Id Field

    • Last Modification Field

    • Priority

    • All stores option within the Store Field

  • The file name within the Filename Field will be read only and will be set through the system by default for every XML Site Map Type.The names for the files for different XML site Map Type will be as following:
    • For Category ‘CategoryXMLSitemap_<Store ID>’

    • For Content Pages ‘ContentPagesXMLSitemap_<Store ID>’

    • For Product ‘ProductXMLSitemap_<Store ID>’

    • For All ‘AllXMLSitemap_<Store ID>

  • On the Add/Edit Product Feed Page for ‘Google Product Feed’ option within the drop down ‘Type Of XML Site Map’., 
    • The following will be removed

      • Last Modification Field

      • Priority

      • All stores option within the Store Field

  • The file name within the Filename Field will be read-only and will be set through the system by default for the Google product feed and should be set as ‘GoogleProductFeed_<Store ID>’
  • Either there will be 3 files (i.e. Category sitemap, Product sitemap, Content Pages sitemap) generated against a store or a single All file (i.e. includes category, product, and content page sitemaps) for a specific store on the Sitemap URL
  • Every XML file can include only a limited number of URLs (this limit is known as chunk size), hence if the number of available URLs is more than the limit then multiple files for the same feed will be generated. Every file in the parent sitemap URL will be indicated with a chunk size with the following format: <domain and path>/<Sitemap file name>_<chunk number> for XML sitemap  <domain>/<Sitemap file name>_<chunk number>_<locale ID> for other sitemaps.

Note: Admin users will be able to manage the chunk size from the web config file which will be the same value for all types of sitemaps.

Important Point: 

Till v9.7.2, the Sitemap/Google Product Feed was API based in Znode and was not publicly accessible but from now onwards, the Sitemap/Google Product Feed will be stored in accordance with the Media Settings within the DAM and will be publicly accessible

[ZPD-17655] - Provision to remove/change a B2B account with a user account

Administration/ Shopper Experience

In contrast to the previous Znode versions, the admin now has the capability to associate and dissociate accounts in regard to the users. This Enhancement has led to a few changes which are listed below:

  • When an account is being associated with the user, the role will be by default set as ‘User’
  • Any Orders Quotes Pending Orders or Pending Payments created after a new Account is assigned to the user account should be linked to the associated Account
  • If a user is being associated with other accounts then the earlier orders placed by the user when associated with the previous account will be intact with the previous account itself, and  only Orders or Quotes or Pending Orders or Pending Payments created after a new Account is assigned to the user account will  be linked to the existing Account
  • The admin now has the ability to dissociate the user, upon dissociating, any Orders or Quotes or Pending Orders or Pending Payments created after an Account is dissociated will not be linked to an Account
  • The admin will not be able to delete the users from the manage accounts user tab section
  • For the admin, the orders will only be seen for the specific user 
  • Whenever any type of order (normal Order or Return or Quote or Pending Order or Pending Payment) is/will be loaded into Znode web-store application under My Account >> Account Orders
    • All those orders that are associated with the respective account will be displayed without checking the ‘User and B2B Account’ relation with the order unless the filter is applied
    • There will be orders that are associated with customers who now belong to different B2B Accounts, still, admin users should be able to apply any filter (Order Number or Username Order Status Payment Status or Payment Type) and view such orders.
    • When a customer navigates to the Account Orders screen from the Account Users screen, the Orders associated with the customer account will be loaded in the current behavior. When the list is filtered with any customer information, the Orders that are associated with the ‘respective customer account AND the respective account’ only will load. If there are any orders that are associated with the respective customer account but not with the account, then those Orders will not be displayed.

Important Point: 

  • When there are changes made to the Email Address from the Manage User screen, the same is not updated for any type of order. Therefore, customers will be allowed to filter any type of order using an email address saved against the order
  • Currently, only the Orders and Users list is displayed

[ZPD-18975] - Configurable option at the user level to enable/disable sending/receiving SMS notifications

Administration/Shopper Experience

  • In Znode v9.7.2, there was the Capability to send SMS notifications using Twilio but there was no capability wherein this notification could be managed for individual Users. In Znode v9.7.3, there is a provision wherein the SMS notifications can be controlled using a setting provided reading as ‘Send SMS Notifications’ which will be unchecked by default
  • If all providers are disabled or are not configured for sending SMS notifications at the Store level, the SMS notification field will be hidden from the web store

[ZPD-13757] - Authorize.Net Iframe Integration


Direct integrations have been replaced with iframe integrations for more secure payment processing.

[ZPD-17353] - This company is the importer of records settings - Avalara Changes


In Znode v9.7.2, when the order was managed, the taxes were calculated on the basis of the ‘This company is the importer of records’ setting on Avalara. But in v9.7.3 there are some enhancements made in regards to this setting. More information can be seen in the points below:

  • There will be one more piece of information stored alongside other details in Znode against the order which will be the value for ‘This company is the importer of records’  set on the Avalara account at the time of placing the order against the country mentioned in the shipping address
  • When this order is managed through the admin application, the value for the ‘This company is the importer of records’ setting will also be sent to Avalara (along with the other details that are sent till v9.7.2) and thus, based upon the same the tax calculations will be carried across

Important Point with regards to Old Orders:

There was no ‘This company is the importer of records ’ setting in the earlier version related to Avalara. Thus, there will be no such value stored for ‘This company is the importer of records’ set against the older orders. The approach for such orders will be:

  • There won't be any true/false/0/1 value set for this new flag but will be considered as ‘null’ when such orders are managed at that time, the system will send some order-related information such as order number and order date to check for the value of ‘This company is the importer of records ’ flag when this order was placed to avalara based on the shipping country and accordingly will update the value of this flag for the respective order
  • Now, based on the current status of the flag calculations will be done

[ZPD-17175] - Shopping feed - Product Syndication


Znode now supports product feed creation in XML format with all the minimum field requirements of Shoppingfeed so that upon product feed generation, it can be used in the Shoppingfeed to syndicate products to different channels like Google, Amazon, Walmart, etc. The implementation is customizable allowing the Znode customers/partners to extend this implementation as per their requirements.

[ZPD-18056] - Quick Order Addon feature for File Upload

Shopper Experience

An enhancement has been made in the Quick Order section on Znode wherein the customers will have the option to browse and upload the XLSX or CSV file in the system in the past multiple sections allowing them to add the SKUs in the Quick list. Also, there are some additional modifications done over the same which can be seen below:

  • On Quick View grid
    • By default quantity “1” will not be kept as the placeholder when the other field placeholders say “Enter SKU”
    • As soon as the user enters the SKU then the quantity placeholder will have 1 added by default
  • Label Item Numbers are renamed to “SKU Lists”

Important Point: 

  • There will be no requirement for the customer to press the ‘ADD ALL TO QUICK LIST’ button available on the paste multiple tab screen; all the SKU addition will work through the file selection itself available through the browse button
  • The remaining part in the Paste Multiple Section like adding SKUs directly into Quick List or adding multiple SKUs through the item number will work as is and this implementation has no effect on it

[ZPD-18821] - PDP changes for Simple and Configurable (Default UI) Products

Shopper Experience

There are enhancements made in the stock message display as well as the typical lead time display on the PDP of Simple and Configurable (default UI) products. More information can be read below:

  • The typical lead time if specified for a product will be displayed below the stock message (and after the Stock Notification hyperlink) displayed below the quantity box. If no typical lead time is defined, it will not be displayed
  • The inventory will be hidden when the value of Out Of Stock Options is not ‘Disable purchasing for out of stock products for simple products and configurable child products,
  • When the value of Out Of Stock Options is not ‘Disable purchasing for out of stock products for simple products and configurable child products, the inventory block will be hidden on the PDP 
  • When the value of Out Of Stock Options is ‘Disable purchasing for out of stock products for simple product and configurable child products and the product is in stock then the inventory block will be displayed without any typical lead time information. In the case when the product is out of stock, the inventory block will be hidden

[ZPD-18417] - Category Names On Search Results Page

Shopper Experience

When a keyword is searched and there is at least one product result available then the search results page will display the list of all those hyperlinked category names whose products are available on the search results page above the facets section in an accordion. The categories displayed here will be dependent upon the value of Enable Inheritance of Child Category products to Parent Category setting. If unchecked it will display the directly associated category and vice versa if it is checked

[ZPD-19403/ZLMC-3380] - Performance improvement while saving products


SP for checking unique constraints of a single PIM attribute has been optimized with some code refactoring for performance.

Issues Resolved

[ZPD-20148/ZLMC-3450] - Web Store - On the checkout page when certain payment methods were selected to make the payment, the system was unable to proceed with them

[ZPD-19934/ZLMC-3440] - Admin -  Under CMS section when it was tried to edit the table tag to add role=presentation through the content editor for a page having content with a table, the system was not allowed to do so


[ZPD-19793/ZLMC-3423] - Admin and Web Store - Shipping methods were associated with user profiles and the shipping methods were working perfectly fine except for a few locations. For these few locations, the shipping methods were not populating and the system was showing an error message reading as "Please add valid address"


[ZPD-19154] - Web Store - While adding the product from the PDP/PLP page to the cart, on the Added to the Cart header section, the product image was broken


[ZPD-19106/ZLMC-3337] - Web Store - Multiple commas were getting displayed in-store address after the address line


[ZPD-19095/ZLMC-3334/TKC-965] - Admin - When a file/document associated with a product was deleted, an Object reference error message was getting displayed upon opening that product


[ZPD-19076] - Web Store - On the checkout page, when any Logged in user was changing the  primary shipping or billing address, the changed address was not getting displayed


[ZPD-18912] - Web Store - When a child product was out of stock within a bundled product, the out-of-stock message was shown on the PDP and the Quick View page but the Inventory label was missing


[ZPD-18862] - Admin - Help text for Enable Save For Later flag was missing under the Manage store section


[ZPD-18790] - Admin - Admin user was able to add a Configurable Product even when the configurable attribute was not present in that respective Attribute family


[ZPD-18788] - Admin - A Pending Order was first rejected which was then managed and was approved. When done with the same, the convert to order icon was still not visible for this Pending Order


[ZPD-18781/ZLMC-3288] - Web Store - A personalized product attribute using a text field was created. On the  PDP page, the characters entered in this personalized text field were getting stripped out on the cart page


[ZPD-18770] - Web Store - On the PDP and Quick View page, the Inventory count was not visible for the products which were in stock with Out-of-Stock Options set as Disable purchasing for out-of-stock products


[ZPD-18768] - Web Store - On the PDP and Quick View page,  Inventory count was visible for the products with Out-of-Stock Options set as Don’t Track Inventory. Enable product purchasing regardless of stock or Allow back- the ordering of products


[ZPD-18759] - Web Store - Two add-ons were associated with a product and both were marked as required, the application was throwing validation issues but was still allowing the product to be added to the cart even if only one add-on is selected


[ZPD-18742] - Web Store - When no payment methods were associated with in-store offline payments and payment for the invoice was attempted system did show a validation message indicating that no payment methods are associated but the then Submit Payment button still enabled 


[ZPD-18740] - Admin - Newly created voucher was not visible on top of the voucher list


[ZPD-18739] - Web Store - When a group product with multiple add-ons was added to the cart and when the same product was again added to the cart by choosing all the add-ons, it was seen that only one add-on was getting added to the cart 


[ZPD-18633] - Webstore - On the checkout page when Purchase Order was chosen as a payment type and the purchase order number was entered as well as the purchase document was attached to purchase the items in the cart, the UI was getting disturbed


[ZPD-18605] - Admin - An admin user logged in to the admin application. A Failed Order Transaction URL was opened up which redirected the admin to the login page prompting the admin to again login to the system


[ZPD-18599] - Admin - There was a pagination issue due to which the total number of records was showing less than the actual number


[ZPD-18595] - Admin - Changing and saving the no of days count for Delete Already Sent Emails and Delete Pending Emails With Awaiting Inventory settings under the Inventory Subscription Notification Settings still reflected the old values. The new values were getting updated only after the page refresh


[ZPD-18579] - Admin - Under the Payment method section while adding a new payment method, the payment gateway drop-down was clicked and after that when the mouse was hovered over the Dev center menu, the menu list and the dropdown for the payment gateway were overlapping 


[ZPD-18567] - Admin - The Enable button under the SMS Notification tab for the Store was not aligned properly


[ZPD-18469/ZLMC-3266] - Admin - There was an issue with the pagination on the admin user list page as well it was noticed that the user count beside the page header was showing as 0 (zero) although there were users present.


[ZPD-18427/ZLMC-3256] - Web Store - Mega Menu responsiveness issue was observed on mobile devices when the mega menu of the web store was opened in portrait mode and then changed to the landscape mode


[ZPD-18349] - Webstore - On the PDP page, the Write A Review button was not displaying properly in certain cases


[ZPD-18289] - Admin - The products were added to the cart, the tax-exempt check box was checked, and the system calculated the tax summary. The tax-exempt check box was then unchecked and then checked again which lead to a generic error message


[ZPD-18274/ ZLMC-3240] - Admin - Importing Vouchers into the system and setting the value of RestrictVoucherToACustomer to False automatically assigned the voucher to the admin who initiated the import


[ZPD-18260/ZLMC-3234] - Admin - Creating new Boost and Bury rules sometimes were leading to a "Failed to Create" error message


[ZPD-17846] - Web Store - On the checkout page Card Connect Payment method was selected and the required information was filled in. When the screen size was reduced, the last digit in the year of expiry date field was getting cropped


[ZPD-17662/ZLMC-3178] - Admin - For an order the entire amount was paid through a voucher. Later when the order was edited from the admin application for the discounts/shipping amounts and the shipping address was updated, the applied voucher/coupon information disappeared from the Manage Order page


[ZPD-17533] - Admin - While placing the order for a user through the admin application on the checkout page it was noticed that the tax details were not consistent specifically related to Avalara tax and also on hovering finger icon was not displaying


[ZPD-17351/ZLMC-3147] - Admin - When a store was published without selecting CMS and Catalog, the indexes were getting created 


[ZPD-17271/ZLMC-3134] - Admin - A return was managed by the admin and was approved. When the order history was checked for the same, the updated by column showed the email of the customer rather than the admin who actually made the changes


[ZPD-17248] - Web Store - The format of the Sitemap on the web store was not displaying in a proper format


[ZPD-16514/ZLMC-864/ZMS-413] - Admin - Admin user was unable to delete the Banner Slider data from the admin application


[ZPD-15519/ZLMC-2749] - Admin - When on the cart page, users go and select any product to add to the cart, the top Header section of  "Product details" was not static and was vanishing upon scrolling to view the product information


[ZPD-15211] - Web Store - On the checkout page when Amazon pay payment method was chosen, the quantity field was noticed to be editable for the products 


[ZPD-11541] - Admin - While adding/updating the address for the user while creating an order, the updated notification message was not getting displayed.


[ZPD-18684/ZLMC-3279] - Web Store - Any menus with a “&” character were not showing their sub-menus.


[ZPD-16602 ZLMC-3071] - Admin - A voucher was created and applied to an order. The voucher then was edited wherein the remaining value field was banked out and saved. Now, when the earlier order was tried to access the system returned an error reading as "Oops - Something went wrong"


[ZPD-18235] - Web Store - If the product name is larger then the image of that product was not visible on add to cart pop up, also product name was coming out from header


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