August 23, 2019
New Features
Schema Markup
New schema markup tags are added in the default Znode theme.
Schema markups create an enhanced description (commonly known as a rich snippet), which appears in the search results. Therefore the added tags will help search engines to return more informative results for users.
Also, these tags will enhance the SEO, increase the online presence, create rich snippets and improve the rankings of the Znode web stores.
To implement this feature, changes were made in the following :
ZnodeCopyPortal stored procedure
ZnodeCMSPortalTheme DB table
Schema markup tags are implemented only on the home and on the other mainly used pages only. Further tags can be added on other web pages based on the project/client requirements.
Structured Data Testing Tool can be used to check the tags added on the web pages
Filter Shortcuts
The following new filter shortcuts are introduced in the Znode admin application:-
Filter Products by Catalog
Admin users can now filter the Product list using a fast select Catalog filter. This filter shortcut has the following static predefined options:-
All Catalogs
No Catalog
along with the available Catalog Name(s) as option(s)
All Catalogs
This is the default filter option.
When this filter option is selected, products associated with any catalog (at least with one catalog) will get displayed as the filter results.
No Catalog
When this filter option is selected, products not associated with any catalog will be displayed as the filter results.
Specific Catalog
When a specific Catalog is selected, products associated with the selected catalog will be displayed as the filter results.
To implement this filter shortcut,
Changes were made in:
List method of ProductsController.cs file
GetProductList method of IProductAgent.cs file
GetProductList method of ProductAgent.cs file
Products/List.cshtml file
Export method of ExportController.cs file
GetExportList of IExportAgent.cs file
GetExportList of ExportAgent.cs file
Following were added:
GetPimCatalogId method in ProductService.cs file
PimCatalogName property in ProductDetailsListViewModel.cs file
GetProductList method in ZnodeEndpoint.ts file
OnSelectCatalogAutocompleteDataBind in Products.ts file
Filter Categories by Catalog
Admin users can now filter the Category list using a fast select Catalog filter. This filter shortcut has the following static predefined options:-
All Catalogs
No Catalog
along with the available Catalog Name(s) as option(s)
All Catalogs
This is the default filter option.
When this filter option is selected, categories associated with any catalog (at least with one catalog) will be displayed as the filter results.
No Catalog
When this filter option is selected, categories not associated with any catalog will be displayed as the filter results.
Specific Catalog
When a specific Catalog is selected, categories associated with the selected catalog will be displayed as the filter results.
To implement this filter shortcut,
Changes were made in:
List method of CategoryController.cs file
GetCategoryList method of ICategoryAgent.cs file
GetCategoryList method of CategoryAgent.cs file
Category/List.cshtml file
Following were added:
GetPimCatalogId method in CategoryService.cs file
PimCatalogName property in CategoryListViewModel.cs file
GetCategoryList method in ZnodeEndpoint.ts file
OnSelectCatalogAutocompleteDataBind method in Category.ts file
Filter Users by Store
Admin users can filter the User list using a fast select Store filter. This filter shortcut has the following static predefined option:-
All Stores
along with the available Store Name(s) as an option(s)
All Stores
This is the default filter option
When this filter option is selected, customers (shoppers) associated with any stores will be displayed as the filter results
Specific Store
When a specific Store is selected, customers (shoppers) associated with the selected store will be displayed as the filter results
To implement this filter shortcut,
Changes were made in:
CustomersList method of CustomerController.cs file
GetCustomerAccountList method of IUserAgent.cs file
GetCustomerAccountList method of UserAgent.cs file
Following were added:
PortalName property in CustomerListViewModel.cs file
GetUserList method in GetUserList file
OnSelectStoreAutocompleteDataBind method in Customer.ts file
Filter Orders by Store
Admin users can filter the Order list using a fast select Store filter. This filter shortcut has the following static predefined option:-
All Stores
along with the available Store Name(s) as an option(s)
All Stores
This is the default filter option.
When this filter option is selected, orders associated with any stores will be displayed as the filter results.
Specific Store
When a specific Store is selected, orders associated with the selected store will be displayed as the filter results.
To implement this filter shortcut,
Changes were made in:
List method of OrderController.cs file
GetOrderList of IOrderAgent.cs
GetOrderList of OrderAgent.cs
Following were added:
PortalName and PortalId properties in OrdersListViewModel.cs
GetOrderList in ZnodeEndpoint.ts
OnSelectStoreAutocompleteDataBind in Order.ts
The filter shortcuts bring results based on the data saved in SQL DB
The filter shortcuts do not work in conjunction with session and System View functionality
If a Store filter shortcut is applied and at the same time Store filter from Filters is applied, then, only if the values of both filters are same then only the application will show results
Dynamic Styles
Administration and Shopper Experience
The Dynamic Styles feature allows admin users to change the content styles displayed on the web store, from the Znode admin application.
Admin users can add the CSS code in the Dynamic Styles editor from the Manage Store Experience section. Once the added CSS code is saved and the store’s CMS Content is published, the application will dynamically change the content styles of the web store based on the styles described in the added CSS code.
To implement this feature,
Changes were made in the following files:
Following files were added:
Important: This editor does not have any error validation code written therefore it is important for the users to verify the added code before CMS Content is published.
WYSIWYG Editor Styles
The WYSIWYG Editor Styles feature allows admin users to add new content formats in WYSIWYG editors of configuration widgets in CMS Pages
Admin users can add the CSS code in the WYSIWYG Editor Styles editor from the Manage Store Experience section. Once the added CSS code is saved, the CSS styles will then automatically become available as format(s) in the WYSIWYG Editors.
To implement this feature,
Changes were made in the following files:
Following files were added:
Important: This editor does not have any error validation code written therefore it is important for the users to verify the code added in WYSIWYG Editor Styles editor before saving the same.
Impersonation feature allows the admin users (generally the CSRs) with specific levels of access to perform activities on the web-store on behalf of the customers (shoppers) and view the impersonation activities from the Application Logs module.
Using these feature admin users will be able to impersonate the customer (shopper) accounts so that any activity performed by them gets associated with the customer (shopper) account.
This feature is mainly developed to allow admin users to place orders for customers (shoppers) by impersonating them on the web-store.
To implement this feature,
Changes were made in the following:
Following were added:
GetImpersonationByUserId, GetImpersonationUrl and ImpersonationViewModel in CustomerController file
GetImpersonationByUserId method in CustomerAgent file
GetImpersonationUrl method in UserAgent
PortalDropdown Change Event, ValidationCustomerImpersonation and ImpersonateUsers
ImpersonationLogList method in LogMessageController file
GetImpersonationLogList method in LogMessageAgent file
ImpersonationLogListViewModel model in Znode.Engine.Admin.ViewModels
ImpersonationLogViewModel model in Znode.Engine.Admin.ViewModels
ImpersonationLogin method in UserController file
ImpersonationLogin and SetImpersonationSession methods in UserAgent
ImpersonationModel model in Znode.Engine.WebStore.Models
SetImpersonationHeader and SetImpersonationPortalHeader methods in BaseClient file
ValidateCSRToken method in UserClient file
GetImpersonationLogList method in LogMessageClient file
ValidateCSRToken method in UsersEndpoint file
GetImpersonationLogList method in LogMessageEndpoint file
ValidateCSRToken method
ImpersonationAPIModel model in Znode.Engine.Api.Models
GenerateCSRToken and ValidateCSRToken methods in ZnodeTokenHelper file
OnAddressUpdate, OnProfileUpdate, OnPlaceOrder, OnDeleteRecord and LogImpersonationActivity methods in GlobalConnector file
ImpersonationMap file
Guest Users Section
A new section Guest Users has been introduced under the Customers module.
Admin users will now have the ability to view the general information, addresses, orders, profiles and notes associated with the guest customer (shopper) account.
To implement this new section, changes were made in the following files:
Store Experience
A new section Store Experience has been introduced under CMS module. This new section allows admin users to manage the Display Settings (now known as Store Experience) of the stores.
Admin users can also publish the CMS Content of the stores from here.
To implement this new section,
Changes were made in:
EditDisplaySetting.cshtml file
CreateEdit.cshtml file
_WidgetList.cshtml file
cms.scss file
Admin_Resources.resx file
WebSiteLogoViewModel file
DependencyRegistration file
The following were added:
StoreExperienceSort method in HelperMethods file
DynamicContentController file
StoreExperienceController file
IStoreExperienceAgent file
Default Attribute Value Import
With this release, admin users will have the ability to import the default values of the attributes using the Import feature.
To implement this functionality, changes were made in Znode_ImportValidatePimProductData stored procedure and Znode_ImportAttributeDefaultValue stored procedure was added.
Support for URLs in www format
Admin users will now have the ability to add URLs for a store in www.<second level domain>.<top level domain> format along with http://<second level domain>.<top level domain> and https://<second level domain>.<top level domain> formats.
To implement this enhancement changes were made in the DomainViewModel file.
Lock/Unlock button
Activate and Deactivate labels and words used in notification messages are renamed to Unlock and Lock respectively on the Users and Admin Users list pages in the admin application.
Also, the Lock/Unlock button is introduced on Manage User and Edit Admin User pages. The functioning of this button is exactly the same as the lock/unlock functionality on the Users and Admin Users list page.
To implement these enhancements,
Changes were made in:
Following were added:
EnableDisableSingleAccount method in UserController.cs
EnableDisableSingleAccount method in User.ts
Removal of Product publish from Catalog-Category publish
With this release whenever admin user will try to publish a category from Manage Catalog module, only the category settings will be published and not the products.
This change has increased the performance of the category publish feature.
To increase the performance of the publish feature, changes were made in the following:
PublishCategoryProducts method of CatalogService.cs file
Display Email Address on Manage/Edit pages
When the first name and last name is not available for a customer (shopper)/admin account, Manage User and Manage Guest User pages will display the respective email address in the title.
To implement this, changes were made in CustomerCreateEdit.cshtml file.
Clear Cache feature for the default store
In the Znode admin application, admin users can associate stores with multiple URLs. Earlier, whenever Clear Cache action was initiated, it used to clear the cache of all the stores whose URLs were present within the store module.
This process used to consume a lot of time. Therefore the code for Clear Cache action is written only for the default URLs saved under the store module. Therefore now whenever this action will be initiated, the cache of the store(s) hosted only on the default URL(s) will get cleared.
To implement this enhancement changes were made in the GenerateCacheUrlAndCall,ClearCache,ReInitializeCacheForLogConfiguration and GetActiveDomain methods of ClearCacheHelper file.
Performance: Display Image, Pricing, and SEO on Product Listing Page from Index
Administration and Shopper Experience
In Znode, the price of products displayed on the web-store depends on various aspects (like store-based price list, profile-based price list, account-based price list, etc). Therefore the price of products displayed is different when different groups of customers (shoppers) log in to the web store.
Also, the SEO information and image of products displayed on the web-store depends on the settings saved for the respective store.
When web store application fetches the image, price and SEO details taking various aspects into consideration, the loading time of the product listing page increases. Therefore, to increase the performance by reducing the loading time of the product listing page, an optional feature is introduced which allows only the product listing page to display the image, pricing and SEO details of products saved for the selected store.
Admin users can enable this optional feature from the Edit Catalog page.
To implement this enhancement,
Following were added:
ImageSmallPath property in PublishCategoryProductDetailModel class
SalesPrice, RetailPrice, CultureCode, CurrencySuffix, SeoDescription, SeoKeywords, SeoTitle, SeoUrl and ImageSmallPath properties in Product entity
ProductListViewModel property in CategoryViewModel class
SearchResultViewModel property in ProductListViewModel class
ProductListViewModel property in SearchRequestViewModel class
IsAllowIndexing,DefaultStore and PortalId properties in CatalogModel
Changes were made in:
FullTextSearch method of SearchService class
ToDataTable method of ElasticSearchIndexer class
GetCategoryProducts method in WidgetDataAgent class
CategoryContent method in CategoryController Class
Index method in SearchController class
CreateEdit.cshtml file
EditCatalog.cshtml file
ProductListContent.cshtml file
Search.cshtml file
When the index setting is enabled, the pricing of products will be fetched from the default price list saved for the selected store. Therefore it is mandatory for the admin user to save the price for the products for the default price list saved against the selected store, otherwise, no price will be displayed on the web-store.
This feature does not take User, Account, and Profile-based pricelist into consideration while displaying the price on the web-store. The SEO details of products saved against the selected store will be fetched on the web-store.
Therefore it is mandatory for the admin user to save the SEO details of the products for the selected store.
If multiple price lists are associated with the default store then pricelist with the highest precedence (i.e. having the lowest number) will be used to save price for products.
This setting is recommended only for a case where there is one-to-one mapping for Store and Catalog. (i.e. one catalog is associated with a single store only).
Manual Image Generation
Administration and Shopper Experience
Admin users can save the standard image sizes for every store.
Earlier, when the web store used to load, if there were images not in the required sizes, the application used to generate images in the desired size. This on-the-fly image generation process was time-consuming and had therefore reduced the performance of the web-store.
To improve the performance, the on-the-fly image generation calls were removed. Now, whenever admin users will change the standard image sizes for a store, they will have to click on the “Generate Image” button in order to generate the images in the desired size.
To remove the run time image generation call, DLLs were updated in TaskScheduler.exe file and changes were made in ImageHelper.cs class of Task Scheduler folder
Important: After updating the image sizes for a store, if the images are not manually generated then the web store will display only the image placeholder instead of actual images.
Graphic Files Cleanup
The scaling of graphic files is cleaned throughout the admin application. Admin users will now be able to view cleaner graphics.
To clean the scalings, changes were made in
Issues Resolved
[ZPD-3460] - Admin - Product inventory was getting deducted from the associated warehouse instead of the default warehouse.
To resolve this issue, changes were made in Znode_UpdateInventory stored procedure.
[ZPD-5498/ZLMC-328] - Amazon Pay - Incorrect seller Id was getting displayed at Amazon Pay payment gateway’s end.
To resolve this issue, changes were made in,
SetOrderReferenceDetails method of AmazonPayProvider.cs file
SetAmazonPayDetails method of CheckoutAgent.cs file
SetAmazonPayDetails method of ICheckoutAgent.cs file
SubmitAmazonOrder method of CheckoutConroller.cs file
AmazonPayPayment method
Checkout.ts file
[ZPD-5764/ZLMC-410] - Admin - After adding multiple products in Percentage Off Product promotion, the search in Associate Products popup used to stop searching for products by SKU.
To resolve this issue, changes were made in AssociatedProductsList XML.
[ZPD-6171/ZLMC-510] - When no file is available on the specified patch and the Product Refresh is triggered path, an incorrect message used to get displayed.
To resolve this issue, changes were made in
ProductRefresh method of ZnodeMockERPConnector.cs file
TriggerTaskScheduler method of TouchPointConfigurationAgent.cs
TriggerTaskScheduler method of TouchPointConfigurationController.cs file
[ZPD-6218] - Admin - The SKU filter option was not working on the Inventory list page.
To resolve this issue, changes were made in InventoryService.cs file.
[ZPD-6236] - Admin - Admin users were able to set multiple default URLs for web-store and web-store preview.
To resolve this issue, changes were made in the following files:
[ZPD-6253] - Wrong Version ID was getting saved against CategoryEntity due to which new categories were not getting displayed on the web-store.
To resolve this issue, changes were made in the CatalogService.cs file
[ZPD-6284] - Admin - Admin users were not being able to change the shipping and handling charges associated with the orders.
To resolve this issue, changes were made in ZnodePortalCart.cs
[ZPD-6296] - Web store - When a default address was updated and saved from My Account section, the application used to create a new address instead of updating the same address,
To resolve this issue, changes were made in the SetBillingShippingFlags method of UserAgent.cs.
[ZPD-6300] - Web store - Checkout Page UI used to get disturbed when the first name and last name input were longer than 50 characters.
To resolve this issue, changes were made in the following files:
[ZPD-6301] - Admin - The "Make it public" checkbox action was not getting displayed in System View creation form.
To resolve this issue, changes were made in the following files:
[ZPD-6332] - Admin - The selected Banner groups used to get unchecked when the publish action for any banner group was initiated.
To resolve this issue, changes were made in DynamicGrid.ts file.
[ZPD-6334] - Admin - Multiple filters did not use to work on the DAM pages.
To resolve this issue, changes were made in the GetMedias method of MediaManagerAgent.cs file.
[ZPD-6335] - Admin - “Clear all filters" action did not use to work on the All Logs module.
To resolve this issue, changes were made in the following files:
[ZPD-6338/ZLMC-550] - Web store - Filters did not use to work when special characters were used in filter options.
To resolve this issue, changes were made in the following:
GetFilterData method of WidgetDataAgent.cs
[ZPD-6405] - Admin - The selected Catalog used to get reset to Default Catalog on Edit Account page and therefore changes were made to fix this issue.
[ZPD-6410/ZLMC-573] - Admin & Web store - While placing an order from the web store, if admin user unchecks the “Add in Address book” option, then the respective Manage Order page in the admin application used to display the empty address in Edit Shipping Address popup.
To resolve this issue, following are added:
IOrderClient interface
UpdateOrderAddress in OrderClient file
[ZPD-6426/ZLMC-580] - Admin - Product Feed used to take a long time for generation.
To resolve this issue, changes were made in Znode_GetProductFeedList stored procedure.
[ZPD-6427] - ZLMC-572 - Admin - The Search did not use to work on the Manage Catalog page.
To resolve this issue, changes were made in the following files:
[ZPD-6457] - Admin & Web store - The synonyms saved under the Site Search module used to work even when they were deleted.
To resolve this issue,
Changes were made in,
DeleteSearchSynonyms , WriteSearchFile and ClearSearchSynonyms methods of SearchService.cs file of Znode.Engine.Services
DeleteSearchSynonyms method of SearchConfigurationAgent.cs
DeleteSearchSynonyms method of SearchConfigurationController.cs
WriteSynonymsFile, SetSynonymTokenFilter, WriteSynonymsTextFile of ElasticSearchIndexer.cs
WriteSynonymsFile method of LoadDefaultData.cs
DeleteSearchSynonyms method of ZnodeEndpoint.ts
DeleteSearchSynonyms method of SearchConfiguration.ts
Following were added:
publishCataLogId property in ParameterModel.cs
[ZPD-6517] - Admin - After importing (any data, like products, categories, etc), when the Imports list page was refreshed, it used to display a generic error with a large amount of data.
To resolve this issue, changes were made in the Znode_GetImportTemplateLogs stored procedure.
[ZPD-6544/ZLMC-627] - Due to multiple clear cache calls, SPP Content blocks used to take a good amount of time to get published.
To resolve this issue, changes were made in CopyEntityWithinMongo, CopyEntityFromSQLToMongo, SaveGlobalMessageToMongo and PublishIndividualCMSEntity methods of GlobalMessageService file.
[ZPD-6551] - Admin - Admin users were not being able to place orders using credit cards when a single digit was added in the date field(s).
To resolve this issue, changes were made in Order.ts file.
[ZPD-6568/ZLMC-635] - Admin - The Advanced Order report used to display incorrect data when the current date and 12 AM - 11:59 PM start time and end time was selected.
To resolve this issue, changes were made in ZnodeDevExpressReport_GetOrderDetails stored procedure.
[ZPD-6613] - Admin - Application was allowing admin users to create a View with the same name as the existing view.
To resolve this issue, changes were made in the CreateNewView method of ApplicationSettingsService.cs file.
[ZPD-6626] - Web store - Checkout page used to stop responding whenever the USPS address validation popup box’s Close action was clicked.
To resolve this issue, changes were made in the HideShowAddressPopUp method of User.ts file.
[ZPD-6665] - Admin & Web store - Products were not getting displayed in the shopping cart when the products were added and published through a single category publish from the Catalogs module.
To resolve this issue, changes were made in the DeleteProductByProductIds method of CatalogService.cs.
[ZPD-6678/ZLMC-662] - Web store - When a configurable product was viewed, the child product of the respective product was getting displayed on the Recently Viewed Products widget.
To resolve this issue, changes were made in UpdateRecentViewedProducts method of ProducAgent.cs file.
[ZPD-6696] - Admin - On activating any number of currencies, all the other currencies were getting activated. Also, admin users were not able to deactivate any currency.
To resolve these issues, changes were made in the SetDeactive method of the CurrencyService file.
[ZPD-6710] - Admin - No publish status was getting displayed on the Stores list page when a store was created.
To resolve this issue, changes were made in the MapPortalDetails method of the PortalService file.
[ZPD-6718] - Admin - No validation message was getting displayed when Keyword Redirect’s value was updated and saved.
To resolve this issue, changes were made in
ValidateKeywordsForm method of SearchConfiguration.ts
[ZPD-6747/ZLMC-675] - Admin - Publishing store with CMS changes was changing the view template of another store.
To resolve this issue, changes were made in the DeleteAllCMSEntitiesFromMongo method of PreviewHelper.cs file.
[ZPD-6766] - Admin - Admin users were not being able to publish the updated product from the Products module.
To resolve this issue, changes were made in Znode_GetPublishSingleProduct stored procedure.
[ZPD-6856] - Admin - Admin users were not being able to save orders where a partial refund was initiated.
To resolve this issue, changes were made in the GetOrderReceiptInstance method of Order Service file.
[ZPD-6924/ZLMC-711] - Admin - A label “Disable Capture” was confusing and was therefore changed to “Display Capture In OMS”.
To change the label, changes were made in the Admin resources file.
[ZPD-6964/ZLMC-539] - Admin - After a catalog is published, the categories associated with the home page widget automatically used to get dissociated.
To resolve this issue, changes were made in the following methods:
AssociateCategories method
AssociateProducts method
[ZPD-6021] - Admin - The count of products with negative inventory did not use to get displayed on the Dashboard page and in Low Inventory report.
To resolve this issue, changes were made in the GetSalesDetailsBasedOnSelectedPortal method of Dashboard.ts file.
[ZPD-6364] - Admin - While creating orders, admin users were not able to save the added addresses.
To resolve this issue, changes were made in the following :
GetAssociatedProfileList and GetUnAssociatedProfileList methods of CustomerService.cs file
UpdateCustomerAddressAndCalculate and GetUserFullDetails methods of OrderAgent.cs file
[ZPD-6480/ZLMC-601] - Web store - After products are added to cart then if any product(s) goes out of stock, no message used to get displayed on the cart page and checkout page. Also, when the customer (shopper) tries to checkout, the page used to continuously load in a loop.
To resolve this issue, changes are made in CheckoutAgent.cs file which will display an error message to the customer (shopper) after he/she tries to checkout.
[ZPD-6812] - Certain XMLs used to break when the Publish action was initiated.
To resolve this issue, changes were made in the following:
SaveAssociatedProductsToMongo method of PreviewHelper.cs file
SaveProductInMongo, SaveCategoryInMongo and SaveToMongo methods of PublishHelper.cs file
SaveWidgetSliderBannerToMongo, SavePortalAssociateAttributesToMongo, PublishWidgetSliderBanner and PublishPortalAssociateAttributes methods of WebSiteService.cs file
GetSliderBannersToPublish and PublishWidgetSliderBanner methods of SliderService.cs file
PublishPreviewCategory method of CategoryService.cs file
[ZPD-6319] - Category publish action sends a status to get the products, but the same status used to get saved against the products.
To resolve this issue, changes were made in GetPublishCategoryProduct method of CatalogService.cs
[ZPD-6264/ZLMC-539] - Admin & Web store - If categories, are associated with category widget and then category structure is changed and catalog is published, then associated categories used to get removed from the widget.
To resolve this issue, changes were made in Znode_GetPublishCategory and Znode_GetPublishSingleCategory stored procedures.
[ZPD-6831/ZLMC-693] - Admin & Web store - If more than one text editor widget was configured for the same page, the configured content for individual widgets showed the same information on all the text widget areas on the web-store.
To resolve this issue, changes were made in the GetContent method of WidgetDataAgent.cs class.
[ZPD-6949/ZLMC-723] - Admin - Application log pages used break due to inconsistent time formats.
To resolve this issue,
changes were made in CalculateDateTimeRange method of LogMessageAgent.cs file.
A new static method GetDateWithTime was added in HelperUtility.cs file.
[ZPD-5929/ZLMC-453] - Admin - Multiple inputs were not getting selected for Mulitselect type fields on the Edit Category page.
To resolve this issue, changes were made in the Category.ts file.
[ZPD-6338/ZLMC-550] - Web store - Search filter was not working with special characters.
To resolve this issue, changes were made in
GetFilterData method of WidgetDataAgent.cs file
ProductList.cshtml file
_Widgetfacet.cshtml file
[ZPD-6437/ZLMC-591] - Web store - Customers (shoppers) were not being able to place orders with $0.00 as the total amount.
To resolve this issue, changes were made in the SubmitOrder method of Checkout.ts file.
[ZPD-6620/ZLMC-644] - Admin - Admin users were not able to update the category information from the Edit Category page.
To resolve this issue, changes were made in Znode_ImportPimCategoryData and Znode_ImportInsertUpdatePimCategory stored procedures.
[ZPD-6697/ZLMC-550] - Web store - Search Filters were not working with special characters.
To resolve this issue, changes were made in
GetFacets method of SearchController.cs
[ZPD-6699/ZLMC-550] - Web store - Search filters were not working from page 2 of product listing pages.
To resolve this issue, changes were made in GetZnodeSearchRequest method of SearchService.cs class
[ZPD-6959/ZLMC-677] - Due to simultaneous concurrent orders, payment application was unable to accept simultaneous payments.
To resolve this issue,
Changes were made in
AdminResources.resx file
AdminResources.Designer.cs file
AdminConstants.cs file
StoreAgent.cs file
A new property znode_multifront_paymentEntities was added in znode_multifront_paymentEntities.cs file
[ZPD-6830/ZLMC-695] - Web store - The content of certain pages were not getting displayed even after the page was published.
To resolve this issue, changes were made in GetContent and GetFormConfiguration methods of WidgetDataAgent.cs.
[ZPD-6892/ZLMC-705] - Admin users with certain access levels were not able to edit the add-ons of products.
To resolve this issue, data changes were made in UpdateAddonDisplayOrder action.
[ZPD-6963/ZLMC-727] - Guest user’s cart item(s) used to get merged in the registered user’s cart when the guest user used to login to the web store using the same browser and device.
To resolve this issue, changes were made in Znode_MergeOmsSavedCartLineItems stored procedure.