Configuring a Category


Navigate to: PIM > Categories > Category Detail

General Information



Attribute Family

The administrator chooses a Category Attribute Family. The Category Attribute Family specifies which attributes are used for your new category.

Category Name

This name is what the customer sees. An administrator should add an SEO-friendly name for this Category: The administrator should use only characters “A-Z” and “0-9.” The administrator should also use "-"instead of spaces. The administrator should not use a file extension or parameters in their URL name.

Category Code

Enter a unique alphanumeric code to identify the category.

Category Title

Internal reference name for the category.

Display Order

Enter a numeric value. This determines the order in which this Category is displayed.

Select Image

Browse Media Explorer for a single primary image for your category as seen by the customer.

Image Alt Text

Enter a short descriptive text for this category to be used in the image ALT text. This text is displayed if the image does not download correctly.

Hide Category on Menu

When Hide Category on Menu is set as “Yes” then the selected category will be hidden only from the Megamenu from all associated Catalogs. Based on the value of this setting i.e. Yes or No, the category will be hidden/displayed on the Web Store.




Short Description

The administrator may enter an optional short description (less than 100 characters) that is displayed in the Category listing grid.

Long Description

The administrator may enter rich text and upload images using the editor. This will allow the administrator to create a splash page for their Category or provide a text introduction that will show above their products. They may also leave this field blank.

Additional Description

Enter additional information for the Category description.

Category Banner

The administrator may enter rich text and upload images using the editor. This can be used for Category Banner.

Associated Products



Product association

Administrators can associate products using the Associate product button. After products are associated, admin users can manage the display order of the associated products.

Note- Products associated with the category will be synchronized with all those catalogs where the respective category is present.

Delete Products

Administrators may remove the associated products from the respective categories. This removes the association but the product remains in the PIM.




Associated Store

Administrators can save unique SEO details for a category for each store in Znode by selecting the store and adding the information for the additional fields.


Administrators can save unique SEO details for a category for each Locale enabled in Znode by selecting the Locale and adding the information for the additional fields.

SEO Title

Administrators may enter the SEO title.

SEO Description

Administrators may enter the SEO description.

SEO Keywords

Administrators may enter the SEO keywords.

SEO-Friendly Page Name

Administrators may enter the SEO-friendly URL here.

Canonical URL

Administrators can enter a canonical URL here that helps prevent duplicate content issues in search engine optimization.

Robot Tag

The robot tag tells robots (typically search engine robots) what pages of the website to crawl.

There are five options available under this field :

  • None - This is the default option. When this option is selected, the behavior mentioned in the Robots.txt file for the store would be followed.

  • INDEX, FOLLOW - This option allows search engines to index a web page that includes this instruction and allows all the links on the web page to be crawled.

  • NOINDEX, NOFOLLOW - This option does not allow search engines to index a web page that includes this instruction and does not allow any links on the web page to be crawled.

  • NOINDEX, FOLLOW - This option does not allow search engines to index a web page that includes this instruction and allows all the links on the web page to be crawled.

  • INDEX, NOFOLLOW - This option allows search engines to index a web page that includes this instruction and does not allow any links on the web page to be crawled.

Important: The value of the Robot Tag saved at the Store level will be used on the web store if and only if the value for Robot Tag is not saved at the Page level.

Note - The changes in the above section can be saved only using the individual "Save" button available within this section and not using the "Save & Close" button available in the header.

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