Configuring a Content Page


Navigate to: CMS > Pages > Edit Action

Administrators can manage Content Pages by clicking the Page Title or “Edit” icon. The capabilities of a content page are largely going to be determined by the widgets associated with the Page Template when a developer creates the template.

Page Details




Select the store that the page will appear on.


The selected store profile will be displayed on the dropdown. The page will be displayed only for the selected profile.


Select the page template that the page will use.

Page Name

Enter the page name for this template.

Is Active

If it is Enabled then it will be displayed to the selected store or Profile.


The default locale will be displayed. Admin can create the page with multiple locales or languages.

Page Title

This will be the title tag of the page.

SEO Title

SEO Title corresponds to the Page Title and how will it appear in a search engine?

SEO Keywords

SEO keywords are the keywords and phrases in web content that make it possible to find the website via a search engine.

SEO Description

SEO description that summarizes the page content. The search engine shows the meta description in the search result.

Additional Meta Information

Meta elements are tags used in HTML documents to provide structured metadata about a Web page.

SEO Friendly URL

If it is enabled then this content page will redirect to the specified page.

Is Redirect

If it is enabled then this content page will redirect to the specified page.


Administrators can enter a canonical URL here which will help administrators prevent duplicate content issues in search engine optimization.

Robot Tag

Robot tag allows administrators to instruct web robots (typically search engine robots) what pages of the website to crawl.

Activation Date

The date on which the page will become visible on the store.

Expiration Date

The date on which the page will no longer be visible on the store.

  1. If the administrators want to add the source code they can add it through the tools section.
  2. Save progress using the "Save" button. The page refreshes with a confirmation message.

Inline Preview

When the webstore preview is enabled and the preview URL is associated with the store, administrators can view the inline preview of the Container and the page from the Content and Preview tabs respectively. The preview tab will only be displayed in this scenario. 

To edit a content page the below steps can be followed:

  1. Click on Edit action on CMS > Pages
  2. Navigate to the Content tab
  3. Update Content Page details by configuring the widgets (Administrators can click on the Edit button on the Content Container to configure the respective Container)
  4. Save progress using the "Save" button. The page reloads with action confirmation.
  5. The page is now edited.

The Znode preview feature works for the CMS page module only and on a flag basis. (available in the web.config file in code).

This feature works in conjunction with the global preview feature:

  1. When the global preview is on and the CMS-based preview is off, the in-line preview feature will be turned off for only the CMS module.
  2. When the global preview is off and the CMS-based preview is on, the in-line preview feature will be turned off globally.
  3. When both the global preview and CMS-based preview are off, the in-line preview feature will be turned off globally.
  4. The CMS pages get directly published to Preview Mode when any CMS page widgets (which have a Save button) are configured and saved when Publish State - Preview is enabled from Global Settings and from the web.config file.

Deleting a Content Page

Navigate to: CMS > Pages > “Remove” action

  1. Use the "Remove" action on the Content Page to be Removed.
  2. The page is now removed.

Reference Article:

Preview URL Configuration

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