Power BI Configuration Settings - V9


Power BI is used to gain access to valuable e-commerce data and combine it with additional data from other business systems. It also helps in building dashboards to visualize all that information and access them in the Znode admin console.

Znode has built a connector to Power BI that gives access to the Znode database. Customers can use the tools provided by Power BI to build dashboards and once published, will automatically show in Znode.

Advanced Options: Shopper-specific reports can be extended to the Webstore -> My Accounts section.

Administrators can also give access to these reports via the web store as well.

Power BI Configuration Settings

Navigate to: Admin > Global Settings > Power BI Configuration Settings

In order to connect the Power BI service with the Znode application, it needs to be configured from this section. 

Configuration Details




This is the unique ID that allows the Admin console to access Power BI rest APIs.


This is the unique ID of the Azure Active Directory (AAD) where the application is created.


This is the unique ID from Power BI workspaces.


This is the unique ID from Power BI workspaces.


This is the username of Azure Portal which is required for authentication. 


This is the password of Azure Portal which is required for authentication.

Steps to Configure Power BI with Znode

  1. Add the details in all the above fields

  2. Save the changes

Note - Only after correct configurations are done and reports are created at Power BI’s end, the users can see the reports in the admin application and web store.

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