Managing Payment Methods


Navigate to: Admin > Payment Methods

solid black circle

The Payment Methods section of the admin console allows Administrators to add and manage different payment options and configure payment gateway settings.

The following Payment Methods are supported in Znode:

  1. Charge On Delivery
  2. Purchase Order
  3. Invoice Me
  4. PayPal Express
  5. Amazon Pay
  6. ACH Payment via Clover Connect
  7. Credit Card
    1. Authorize.Net
    2. Braintree
    3. Clover Connect (Card Connect)

Note - From version 9.7.3 the following Payment Gateway options have been deprecated due to the integrations not being PCI Compliant. 

  1. Chase Paymentech 
  2. Stripe
  3. Worldpay
  4. PayFlow

Payment Method Details



Select Payment Type

Select the type of payment the payment method should support.

Payment Code

Add a unique code that differentiates different payment methods.

Payment Display Name

Add a name that will be displayed on the webstore for the payment method.

Display Setting

Enable this option to display the payment method in the checkout flow on the webstore.

Hide Billing Address

Enable this option to hide the billing address section for the payment method from the checkout page of the webstore.
Note - Hide Billing Address is only supported with COD

Display Order

Set the display order of the payment method. The sequence in which the payment methods are displayed on the webstore depends on this order.

Enable OAB

Enable this option to allow the customers to place the OAB orders using the payment method. Any changes made for this field get applied to all the stores which use the said payment method. This field is available for Purchase Order, Charge On Delivery and Invoice Me payment types.

Adding a Payment Method

Navigate to: Admin > Payment Methods > "Add New" button

  1. Add Payment Method Details. Make sure to select "Enable this payment option during checkout", if appropriate.

  2. Based on the Payment Type, additional details may be required. The "Credit Card" and "Paypal Express" types, for example, will require additional configuration of the Merchant Gateway Settings.

  3. Save progress using the "Save" button. The page reloads with action confirmation. 

  4. The New Payment Method is now added and available to be associated with a store.
    Note: The acceptable cards for Card Connect cannot be managed from the admin application.

Edit Payment Method

Navigate to: Admin > Payment Methods > "Edit" action

  1. Edit Payment Method

  2. Save progress using the "Save" action. The page reloads with action confirmation.

  3. The existing Payment Method is now edited.

Delete Payment Method

  1. Delete the Payment Method with the “Delete” icon.

  2. The page reloads with action confirmation.

  3. The Payment Method is now deleted.

Merchant Gateway Settings

Merchant Gateway Setting is not visible when a Payment Type is selected as a COD (Charge on Delivery), Purchase Order and Invoice me. 



Select A Gateway

Gateway for which the Payment Method needs to be created.

Select Gateway Mode

Gateway modes:

Test Mode - This can be used for testing purposes. In test mode, all the process remains the same as in live mode. The payment-related data which is entered during checkout doesn't need validation. 

Live Mode - Live mode is used for the production environment. The payment-related data (e.g. Credit card details) provided on live mode needs to be valid.

Merchant Login

Login Id of the Merchant

Merchant Account Password

The password of the Merchant

Credit Card Authorization

If this field is checked then the transaction will be authorized.

Pre-Authorize Transactions Without Capturing - 

  • When this field is checked the Display Capture in OMS flag will be enabled and the user will have the capability to check/uncheck the same
  • When this field is unchecked the Display Capture in OMS flag will be disabled.
    • If the Display Capture in OMS flag is checked, then the flag will be first unchecked through Znode and then it will be disabled
    • If Display Capture in the OMS flag is unchecked, then it will be simply disabled.

Accepted Cards

Check the card(s) that the client (Merchant) wants to accept.

Display Capture in OMS

If this field is checked then the capture button will be displayed while managing the order.

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