Configuring Card Connect ACH Integration - V9


Configuring Card Connect ACH Integration

Navigate to: Dev Center > Payment Methods

Administrators can add and manage different payment options and configure them from this section. 

Adding ACH Payment Method

Navigate to: Dev Center > Payment Methods > Add new

  1. Add Payment Method Details and Merchant Gateway Settings as mentioned in the below table.
  2. Administrators can add additional required details based on the Payment Type.
  3. Save progress using the "Save" button.
  4. The New Payment Method is now added and available.

Payment Method Details



Select Payment Type

Select the type of payment the payment method should support.

Payment Code

Add a unique code that differentiates different payment methods.

Payment Display Name

Add a name that will be displayed on the webstore for the payment method.

Display Setting

Enable this option to display the payment method in the checkout flow on the webstore.

Hide Billing Address

Enable this option to hide the billing Address

Display Order

Set the display order of the payment method. The sequence in which the payment methods are displayed on the webstore depends on this order.

Merchant Gateway Settings



Select a Gateway

Select Card Connect as a payment gateway. (ACH is implemented only for Card Connect )

Select Gateway Mode

Select a relevant Gateway Mode. 

User Name

Add a User name 


Add a Password

Merchant Id 

Add a Merchant Id

Editing ACH Payment Method

Navigate to: Dev Center > Payment Methods > Add new

  1. Click on Edit Payment Method.
  2. Following are the fields that are noneditable when editing the ACH payment method. The rest of the fields can be edited. 
    1. Select a Payment Type

    2. Payment Code

    3. Select a Gateway

  3. Save progress using the "Save" action. 
  4. The existing Payment Method is now edited.

Deleting a Payment method

Navigate to: Dev Center > Payment Methods > Delete the Payment Method

  1. Delete the Payment Method with the “Delete” icon.
  2. The page reloads with action confirmation.
  3. The Payment Method is now deleted.

Important Notes

  1. Refunds for the payments made using ACH are not considered
  2. Any changes made from the Manage Order and Create/Manage Return screen will not go to the payment gateway for further payments and refunds.

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