Troubleshooting Payment Methods - V9


Webstore Payment Method

If payment methods are not appearing on the webstore, check the following: 

Displaying payment methods on the basis of the store:

  1. Ensure that the payment method is created with valid credentials.
  2. Ensure the Enable This Payment Option During Checkout flag is enabled on the payment method. 
  3. Verify that the payment method is correctly associated with the store ( Stores & Reps> Stores> Manage> Payment Methods).

  4. If the payment method is only associated with the store, in this case, the store-level payment methods will appear on the Webstore.
  5. Check if there are any relevant keys related to the payment method. Ensure that the keys are correctly set with the appropriate values for your desired payment methods in the Payment API Web.config file of Payment API.
  6. Check if there are any payment gateway URLs related to the payment method. Ensure that the URLs are correctly set in the Web.config file of Payment API  for that desired payment method.
    • Please find below the attached screenshot for reference
  7. Check the sandbox mode (live or testing). In live mode, real payment methods will be displayed, Whereas sandbox mode often uses simulated payment methods for testing purposes.
    •  Ensure that we are using the testing mode credentials while making payment methods for testing purposes. 
    • Ensure that we are using the live mode credentials when we want to use live transactions.

Profile-based Payment Method

Displaying payment methods on the basis of profile:

  1. Ensure that the payment method is created with valid credentials.
  2. Ensure the Enable This Payment Option During Checkout flag is enabled on the payment method. 
  3. Verify that the payment method is correctly associated with the store ( Stores & Reps> Stores> Manage> Payment Methods). And also to the profile as mentioned in below point.
  4. Ensure that the payment method is correctly associated with the user profile (Customers> User Profiles> Manage> Payment Methods> Associate Payment Method) where you want the payment method to appear.

  5. If we want to show only limited payment methods for particular profiles then those need to be assigned to the profile (Ensure those payments are already associated with the respective portal).  
    • Please find the attachments below for your reference
  6. Check if there are any relevant keys related to the payment method. Ensure that the keys are correctly set with the appropriate values for your desired payment methods on the Web.config file of the payment API.
  7. Check if there are any payment gateway URLs related to the payment method. Ensure that the URLs are correctly set in the Web.config file of payment API for that desired payment method. 
    • Please find below an example for reference:

  8. Check the sandbox mode (live or testing). In live mode, real payment methods will be displayed, Whereas sandbox mode often uses simulated payment methods for testing purposes.
    • Ensure that we are using the testing mode credentials while making payment methods for testing purposes.
    • Ensure that we are using the live mode credentials when we want to use live transactions.

NOTE: When adding a new payment method, it is necessary to clear the cache from the admin side by clicking  GlobalSettings->CacheManagement→Refresh Entire Webstore Cache (Click on Refresh)

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