Managing Returns



Navigate to: OMS > Returns

The returns list is a centralized location from where admin users can view, search and filter and manage Returns for all the Znode stores. This article provides information about how different elements from a Return can be managed and how it impacts other features.

Managing Returns From Admin Application

Navigate to: OMS > Returns > “View” Action

Admin users can view and manage various Return related details from the Manage Return screen.

Steps To Manage A Return

To manage a Return, admin users can follow the below steps:

  1. Step 1: Click on the “View” icon from the Returns list screen
  2. Step 2: Edit the required fields
  3. Step 3: Click on the “Save Return” button, and a confirmation popup will appear
  4. Step 4: Click on the “Ok” button

Details Of Different Return Management Features

General Sections

Store Information Section

This section displays the following fields/buttons:

  1. Return Status
    1. Allows users to select any of the following statuses for a Return:
      1. Submitted
      2. In Review
      3. Received
      4. Approved
      5. Rejected
      6. Refund Processed
    2. Submitted is the default status of a Return after the return or cancellation request is submitted
    3. In Review and Received statuses have no related workflow and can be used for informational purposes
    4. Approved status indicates that the Return is approved, the return/cancellation request is completed, and it will not require any further changes. A user can select a Return Status as Approved only if any one of the below-mentioned scenarios matches:
      1. All line items have the status of Approved
      2. At least one line item has the status of Approved and the remaining line items have the status of Rejected
    5. Rejected status indicates that the Return is rejected, the return/cancellation request is completed, and it will not require any further changes. A user can select a Return Status as Rejected only if all line items available in Return have the status as Rejected
    6. After a Return Status is selected as Approved or Rejected, users cannot make any changes to the Return, and the returned line items (with status as Approved) along with the confirmed quantities are removed from the product ordered list for the Order (can be viewed from Manage Order screen in admin or Order Receipt page on the web-store)
    7. Refund Processed status indicates that the refund is processed for a Return and the return/cancellation request is completed. This status can only be selected if Return Status was previously selected and saved as Approved. 
    8. After a Return Status is selected as Refund Processed, a Return Total is considered as the final refunded amount out of which Return Total - Voucher Amount is refunded to the payment source. This step is optional therefore it gives admin users an option to decide if they want to process a refund through the Returns module or want to use any other mode.  
  2. The Voucher Amount is not refunded manually in all the eligible vouchers associated with the Order, therefore the respective Vouchers need to be updated manually if needed
  3. When an offline payment was used during order creation then selection only changes the status.
  4. When the Return Status of Return is changed and saved, an email notification using Return Order Status Notification For Customer template is sent to the customer indicating the changes made.
  5. When the Return Status of Return is changed to In Review and saved, an email notification using Return Request Notification For Customer template is sent to the customer indicating the request is in review.
  6. When a refund is processed for a Return, an email notification using the Refund Processed Notification For Customer template is sent to the customer indicating the same.
  7. Process Refund button
    1. Allows users to process refunds after clicking this button.
    2. Users can either select Return Status as Refund Processed or can click the Process Refund button, both work in the same way.
  8. The Voucher Amount is not refunded manually in all the eligible vouchers associated with the Order, therefore the respective Vouchers need to be updated manually if needed
  9. When an offline payment was used during order creation then this button remains disabled.

Non-editable information:

  1. Return Date
    1. Indicates the Return creation date and time
  2. Return No
    1. Indicates the return number
  3. Return Created By
    1. Indicates the email address of a user who created the return/cancellation request
  4. Order No.
    1. Indicates the order number
  5. Total Return Quantity
    1. Indicates the original number of quantities added in the return/cancellation request. The value of this field never changes.
  6. Amount
    1. Indicates the Return Total amount
  7. Payment Method
    1. Indicates the payment method where the required amount gets refunded. It also indicates the payment method used to make the last payments for the Order.

Customer Information Section

This section displays the following details:

  1. Customer details (like Customer Name, Email Address, and Phone Number)
    1. The information displayed for Customer Name, Email Address, and Phone Number never gets changed after an order is placed, even if the changes are made to the User account from the Manage User screen. Therefore the same changes reflect in return/cancellation requests
  2. Shipping To Address
    1. Indicates the address where the returned items will be delivered. The address displayed here is the address of the default warehouse associated with the Store.
  3. Shipping From Address
    1. Indicates the address from where the return order will be shipped back. The address displayed here is the shipping address of the user associated with the Order.

Products Returned Section

This section displays the following details/fields/input areas

  1. Line Item details
    1. Line Item details
      1. Any changes made to existing products from the Edit Product screen do not reflect in Order and therefore do not reflect in Returns

        Note: The line item should not be disabled if it is available in an incomplete Return.

      2. All the details saved against the Order, like the following while the order was created or managed get used for Return line item calculations:

        1. Unit Price

        2. Line item-wise shipping amount

        3. Line item-wise tax amount

        4. Line item wise line item discount amount

        5. Line item-wise order discount amount

        6. Line item-wise CSR discount amount

        7. Line item-wise shipping discount amount

      3. Line Item Status

        1. Allows users to select any of the following statuses for a return line item

          1. Submitted

          2. In Review

          3. Received

          4. Approved

          5. Rejected

        2. Submitted is the default status of a return line item after the return or cancellation request is submitted

        3. In Review and Received statuses have no related workflow and can be used for informational purposes

        4. Approved status indicates that the X quantities (added in the Confirmed Qty column) out of the expected quantities (displayed in the Expected Qty column) are approved for the Return.

          Note: The other quantities that are not approved can be conceptually considered as Rejected as the same is not displayed in the UI.

        5. Rejected status indicates that all the expected quantities are rejected for Return. When the return line item status is selected as Rejected, all the confirmed quantities are reset to expected quantities.

      4. Confirmed Qty

        1. Allows users to enter the quantities that are approved out of the expected quantities

        2. When the return line item status is selected as Rejected, all the confirmed quantities are reset to expected quantities and the required input field is disabled.

      5. Return Shipping

        1. Allows users to decide if they want to return the Shipping for the line item or not

        2. When the Return Shipping field is unchecked, the shipping amount is added in the Return Charges field which indicates that the respective amount is not being refunded back to the user. The Return Charges is then subtracted to calculate the Return Total

  2. Return Summary
    1. Allows users to view the following information calculated for the line items available in the Return:
      1. Subtotal
        1. Indicates the sum of the line item total (unit price * quantity)
      2. Shipping
        1. Indicates the sum of line item shipping amounts (irrespective of the value of the Return Shipping checkbox)
      3. Tax
        1. Indicates the sum of line item tax amounts
      4. Discount (on Subtotal)
        1. Indicates the sum of line item and order discounts
      5. CSR Discount
        1. Indicates the calculated CSR discount
      6. Shipping Discount
        1. Indicates the calculated shipping discount
      7. Return Charges
        1. Indicates the sum of shipping amounts and tax calculated on the shipping amount for return line items whose Return Shipping is unchecked
      8. Return Total
        1. Indicates the value calculated using this formula: Subtotal + Shipping + Tax - Discount (on Subtotal) - CSR Discount - Shipping Discount - Return Charges
      9. Voucher Amount
        1. Znode considers that every time a complete/partial order is returned, Voucher Amount will be refunded first and then the remaining amount will be refunded to the payment source.
        2. Since there can be multiple incomplete Returns associated with the Order, therefore Voucher Amount for the Return is calculated only after the Return is Approved.
        3. Once Return is Approved, then depending on the Voucher Amount remaining in the Order and the Return Total, Voucher Amount for the Return is calculated. If Voucher Amount remaining in Order > = Return Total then Voucher Amount for Return = Return Total, otherwise Voucher Amount for Return = Voucher Amount remaining in Order

Return History Section

This section displays logs of all the changes made by admin users for the Return.


This button allows users to print the Return receipt.


This button allows users to permanently save all the changes to the Return.


This button takes the users to the Returns list page.

Modifications In Manage Return Workflow From Znode v9.7 Release

  1. The total of the following fields gets displayed in the Return Summary:
    1. Subtotal
      1. This is the sum of the return line item total amounts
    2. Shipping
      1. This is the sum of return line item shipping amounts
    3. Tax
      1. This is the sum of tax amounts calculated on the return line item total and the return line item shipping total.
    4. Discount (subtotal)
      1. This is the sum of all line items and order discounts
    5. CSR Discount
      1. This is the calculated CSR Discount
    6. Shipping Discount
      1. This is the sum of all shipping discounts
    7. Return Charges
      1. This is the sum of all the non-refunded shipping and tax calculated on shipping amounts for all return line items whose Return Shipping is unchecked
    8. Return Total
      1. This is calculated using this formula: Subtotal + Shipping + Handling Charges + Tax - Discount (on Subtotal) - CSR Discount - Shipping Discount - Return Charges
    9. Voucher Amount
      1. Znode considers that every time a complete/partial order is returned, Voucher Amount will be refunded first and then the remaining amount will be refunded to the payment source.
      2. Since there can be multiple incomplete Returns associated with the Order, therefore Voucher Amount for the Return is calculated only after the Return is Approved.
      3. Once Return is Approved, then depending on the Voucher Amount remaining in the Order and the Return Total, Voucher Amount for the Return is calculated. If Voucher Amount remaining in Order > = Return Total then Voucher Amount for Return = Return Total, otherwise Voucher Amount for Return = Voucher Amount remaining in Order
  2. The following shipping-related information gets displayed and saved separately for all the Order screens in the admin and web store:
    1. Shipping 
    2. Shipping Discount
      Note: Handling Charges are not considered for Returns
  3. Once an order is placed the following additional information gets saved along with the Order so that the same values (and not the current values) can be used while creating or managing a Return:-
    1. Line item wise Unit Price
    2. Line item wise included quantities of child products for every bundle product
    3. Line item-wise value of “Out Of Stock Options” setting
    4. Line item-wise shipping amount
    5. Line item-wise tax amount
    6. Line item-wise tax rate (only if the custom tax is used)
    7. Line item wise sum of all line item discount amount
    8. Line item wise line item discount for every applied discount
    9. Line item-wise order discount amount for every applied discount
    10. Line item-wise CSR discount amount for every applied discount
    11. Line item wise sum of all line item shipping discount amount
    12. Line item-wise shipping discount amount for every applied discount

      Note: This is available from Znode 9.7.1

    13. Order wise value of “Calculate Tax On The Discounted Price” setting

    14. Order-wise value of the “Include Shipping In Taxes” setting

    15. Order-wise handling charges

    16. Order-wise voucher amount for every applied voucher

    17. Line item and Order wise applied Discount Types

  4. Admin users cannot make any changes to the following Order unless all the Returns associated with the Order are complete i.e. has any one of the following statuses- Approved or Return Processed or Rejected:
    1. Order Status
    2. Shipping Type
    3. Shipping Address - Zip code
    4. Coupon
    5. Voucher
    6. Tax Exemption
    7. CSR Discount
    8. Line Item Status
  5. Shipping
    1. If the line item status is Shipped or Failed, then the administrator can not edit the line item shipping amount
    2. If the line item status is selected as Shipped, the line item quantity input gets enabled so that admin users can enter the quantities that are shipped. Product level Ship Separately setting is removed. Admin users can ship any line item from any order separately. Also, irrespective of product is shipped separately or together, still, the handling charges be still applicable on the entire order
    3. If line items are split shipped, line item shipping and shipping discount is split for the shipped and non-shipped quantities. Also, no Handling Charges are additionally applied to split shipped items
    4. If the line item shipping amount  or Shipping Type or Shipping Address - zip code is changed, all the shipping discounts get removed from the Order and the shipping amounts for every line item and shipping promotions get recalculated based on real-time values saved against the Shipping Method
  6. Taxes
    1. Taxes are always calculated in real-time, depending on the tax settings saved against the order, but using the same Tax Rate that was used when Order was created, when
      1. Discounts (promotion/coupon/CSR discount) are applied
      2. Voucher is applied
      3. The shipping Type is changed
      4. Shipping Address - zip code is changed
      5. The shipping amount is changed
    2. The tax rate for custom Tax service is saved along with the Order
  7. Vouchers
    1. The Voucher Amount does not get subtracted from Order Total since it is considered a payment method
    2. The value of the Voucher Amount can not be increased automatically but can reduce if the value of the Order Total - Return charges are reduced and is less than the Voucher Amount
    3. Even Voucher Amount is reduced the same is not reflected in the applied Vouchers displayed below the Voucher input field.
  8. Refunds
    1. If the order status is manually selected as Cancelled, the required amount from the Order Total gets refunded. If at least one completed or approved Return is associated with the order then Order Total - Handling Charges - Return Charges are refunded. Otherwise, the complete order is refunded.
    2. If the order status is selected as canceled since all line items of the order are refunded, then a refund if needed is only initiated from the Manage Return screen
    3. The Return Charges can never be refunded
    4. The voucher Amount is refunded conceptually, but admin users are required to manually update the Voucher to indicate the refunded amount.
  9. The following is not supported:
    1. Automatic refunds for Vouchers

Reference Articles

  1. Order And Order Line Item Eligibility Criteria For Creating Return/Cancellation Requests Through Returns
  2. Managing Orders

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