Roslyn 'csc.exe' Error

Problem: The Znode Admin UI / API / WebStore application(s) are failing to load, possibly (but not necessarily) giving the following error:

roslyn csc.exe error

However, there may be no useful error presented. To check if this problem is the cause of one (or more) of the applications failing to load, check the bin folders of the applications. If any of the following folders are empty, the problem is occurring:

  1. Znode.Engine.Admin\bin\roslyn
  2. Znode.Engine.Api\bin\roslyn
  3. Znode.Engine.WebStore\bin\roslyn

Possible Solutions: This problem is very inconsistent among Znode developers, and seems to be inconsistent among the .NET community in general.

  1. First, 'clean' the solution and then 'build' the solution again. Restart the VS solution after a clean & build to verify if the error still exists
  2. If the prior step fails to solve the problem, the Roslyn folders can be generated with the following steps:
    1. Ensure that the project is not currently running
    2. Execute the command Update-Package Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform -r in the package manager console
    3. Build the solution
    4. Notice that the Roslyn folder has been generated in the bin folder

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