Failed to Publish Store
Problem: When the Publish button is clicked, the Store publish process fails.
Error 1: A Status Publish Failed gets displayed in the Publish Status column for the Store.
Possible Solution for Error 1: This problem usually indicates that the store publish has been failed in one of the stored procedures used for store publish.
To determine if this is happening:
- Open the SSMS and connect to the server
- Execute the below-mentioned query in the database to check the store’s publish status
If the value of the ProcessStatus column of the ZnodePublishPortalErrorLogEntity table shows “Fail” in one of the stored procedures then the respective stored procedure needs to be debugged to find the root cause of the issue. The failure of the publish can be due to data issues or stored procedure issues.
Error 2: Failed to Publish message gets displayed:
Possible Solution for Error 2: This problem usually indicates that scripts are not properly loading in the Admin UI.
To determine if this is happening:
- Open the browser's developer tools while on the Stores & Reps > Stores screen.
- Navigate to the Scripts > Core > Znode directory. A list of scripts should be loaded:
If the scripts shown on the local environment are non-existent or less (just a couple scripts), as opposed to having several dozen scripts as expected, then this most likely means that Visual Studio is not properly building the scripts. Locally, these scripts appear in the /Projects/Znode.Engine.Admin/Scripts/Core/Znode directory. Here, each *.ts file should have a corresponding *.js file.
To fix this, it is important to make sure that the Web Compiler is properly installed and configured as described in the Installing Znode document.
Failed to Publish Catalog
Problem: When the Publish button is clicked, the Catalog publish process fails.
Error : A Status Publish Failed gets displayed in the Publish Status column for the Catalog.
Possible Solution: This problem usually indicates that the catalog publish has failed in one of the stored procedures used for catalog publishing.
To determine if this is happening:
- Open the SSMS and connect to the SQL server instance.
- Execute the below-mentioned query on the database to check the catalog publish status
If the value of the ProcessStatus column of the ZnodePublishCatalogErrorLogEntity table shows “Fail” in one of the stored procedures then the respective stored procedure needs to be debugged to find the root cause of the issue. The failure of the publish can be due to data issues or stored procedure issues.