Managing Content Container



Navigate to: CMS > Containers

Content Containers is a section from where the administrator can create and manage the personalized content for different user groups using the same Container. 

From this section, administrators can add/edit/delete and publish the Content Containers. They can also search and filter the Content Containers.

Content Container Details



Container Key

Administrators can add a unique name that identifies the Content containers.

Container Name

Administrators can add the name of the Content Containers.


Administrators can add the tags from this section.

Container Family

Administrators can select the Container Family from the dropdown. (Note - Container families are added from the Global Attributes).

Adding A Content Container

Administrators can add Content Containers by following the steps below:

  1. Click on Add New.
  2. Fill in the “General information”
  3. Click on the Next button in the upper right corner, and a page to add data for the default variant appears
  4. Select Template (optional)
  5. Select Locale
  6. Fill in the required data

    • Unless the data for the default variant i.e. “Any Store, Any User Profile” is added for the default locale, Content Container cannot be created
    • The “Any Store, Any User Profile” variant cannot be deactivated and cannot be deleted since it’s a default variant.
  7. Click on Save or Save & Close. When the administrator clicks on save, the container data along with the default variants is saved and administrators get redirected to the Edit container variant screen. When the administrator clicks on save & close, the container data along with the default variants is saved and administrators get redirected to the Edit container screen.

Editing Content Containers

Administrators can edit the content containers by clicking on the edit icon. From the edit section, the administrators can change all the details except Container Key and the Container Family. Administrators have the option of adding new variants from the edit section. 

Publishing Content Container

Administrators can publish the Content Containers from the Publish icon on the list page. Publishing Content Containers will publish all the added variants for specific locales for which the data is added. 

Administrators can publish the Content Container from the multiple screens on the admin application:

  1. List page 
  2. Edit screen on the upper right corner there are 3 option 
    1. Save 
    2. Save & Close
    3. Publish 


  1. When a Content Container or Variant is created then its status is Draft.
  2. When any Variant is edited, Content Container’s status also becomes Draft but vice versa is not true.
  3. Content Containers need to be published in order to publish the variants. 
  4. If a change is made into a variant then the status of Content Containers changes to Draft. Administrators need to publish the Content Containers in order to publish the variant.   
  5. In the case of multi-variant, if only one variant is published, then only that particular variant will be in a published state. The rest of the variants will have the same status as the Content Containers.

Scheduling a Content Container

Administrators can create a scheduler for the content container by clicking on the scheduler action. When adding and editing scheduler details, the following details are visible on the pop-up screen:



TouchPoint Name

The Touchpoint name is auto-generated and Scheduler Type is defaulted to Scheduled. 

Scheduler Name 

The administrator can define a unique name for the Scheduler from this section. (Scheduler name can be added only while creating a scheduler. Once the scheduler is created the name is not editable).

Scheduler Setting - One Time

The administrator can start a One-time scheduler e.g. single-time job execution from this section selecting a specific start date and time. 

Start Date 

Scheduled - The administrator can schedule the dates and times whenever the Scheduler needs to start.


When this is selected the scheduler Job is active and is executed on the specified start date and time.

Deleting Content Container

Administrators can delete the Content Containers by clicking on the delete icon on the list page. Admin application asks for confirmation if the Content Containers need to be deleted. Clicking on Ok will delete the Content Containers.

Content Container Data On The Webstore

When a content container is configured, the published and active variants are selected by the application based on the below-mentioned precedence. The combinations get checked by the below precedence. Whichever combination is available is shown on the webstore. If none of the combinations are available then the default combination (given in the last) is shown on the webstore:

  1. Specific Store, Specific User Profile, Selected Locale
  2. Specific Store, Specific User Profile, Default Locale
  3. Specific Store, Any User Profile, Selected Locale
  4. Specific Store, Any User Profile, Default Locale
  5. Any Store, Any User Profile, Selected Locale
  6. Any Store, Any User Profile, Default Locale

Note: It is mandatory to store data in the Any Store, Any User Profile, Default Locale, and this data cannot be deleted 

Ex. The following screenshot contains two Variants:

  1. Specific Store, Any User Profile (Configurations: Maxwell’s Hardware, Any User Profile, and English and French locale)
  2. Any Store, Any User Profile (Configurations: Any Store, Any User Profile, and English locale)

If the store, user profile and locale used on the web store are Maxwell’s Hardware, Anonymous, and English, then according to the precedence of the combination the first variant is getting matched hence it will be displayed on the webstore. 

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