Release Notes

Release Date: June 5, 2021


Release Information

Znode 9.6.5 release includes some major feature enhancements, performance enhancements, and some minor bug fixes.


The highlights of this release are:

  • Bundled Product enhancement
  • Boost and Bury enhancement
  • Performance changes for the below-mentioned admin application screens:
    • Dashboard
    • Quotes list
    • Returns list

Breaking Changes

Security Changes in Payment API

The following new keys are added to the web.config file to prevent Payment API to be accessed from unidentified sources:

  • EnableSwagger: This key can be used to enable or disable the swagger
  • CORS_Domains: This key can be used to provide Payment API access to only specific admin and web store URLs
  • ZnodePrivateKey: This key is added so that the values from admin and web store keys can be compared with the value added for the key available in the Payment API so that access can be provided to applications whose key values match the key value available for the Payment API

It is essential to make sure that the appropriate values are set for these keys otherwise the payments will not work.

Bundled Product Inventory

The following settings/behavior will be now be managed using the details saved against the included products (child products) for a bundled product:

  • Product Inventory: When a bundled product is ordered or returned, the inventory of included products will be deducted or restocked respectively
  • Out Of Stock Options: Depending on the value saved for this setting for included products (child products), the bundled product’s stock level will be decided

Boost And Bury Operations

Only positive decimal input values “greater than or equal to 1”, and “greater than 0 and less than 1” can be used to boost and bury the position of products on the Search Result and Product Details pages of the web store.

Other Breaking Changes

Please refer to this Breaking Changes Document for more information.


[ZPD-13882/ZLMC-2055] - Bundled Product Enhancements

Administration / Shopper Experience

Admin users will now have the ability to manage and import the quantities of included products (child products) per bundle. Therefore, when a bundled product is ordered or returned, the inventory of included products will be deducted or restocked according to the included quantities.

The UI of the Bundled Product Details page has also been enhanced to provide a more user-friendly experience to the customers (shoppers).

[ZPD-14088/ZPD-14265/ZPD-12130/ZLMC-2281/ZLMC-1620] - Boost And Bury Operations Using Boosting Query


Elasticsearch now supports only positive decimal input values “greater than or equal to 1”, and “greater than 0 and less than 1”, to boost and bury the position of products using a Boosting Query respectively, on the Search Result and product detail pages of the web store. This change has been introduced in Znode.

[ZPD-14291/ZPD-14664] - Performance: Admin Dashboard Screen


The code for the Dashboard screen has been optimized. This has increased the performance and reduced the time required to load the Quotes list, Orders list, Returns list, Total Sales, Total Quotes, Total Orders, and Total Returns sections of the Dashboard screen.

[ZPD-14671/ZPD-13197] - Performance: Quotes List


The following changes are made to the Quotes list:

  • The Customer Name, Email ID, and Phone Number columns have been added to the Quotes table
  • The Search will only use Quote No., and Email ID to fetch the results
  • The data for this list will be fetched from fewer DB tables

These changes have not only reduced the loading time of all the per-page data records but have also reduced the time required to get the searched/filtered results.

Important: Since the values of Customer Name, Email ID, and Phone Number will not be fetched from the ZnodeUser table therefore when the Customer Name, Email address, or Phone No. of a user is updated, it will not reflect on the Quotes list, and Orders list when Quotes are converted to Orders.

[ZPD-14671/ZPD-13198] - Performance: Returns List


The following changes are made to the Returns list:

  • An Order No. column is added
  • The Order No., Customer Name, and Email ID columns have been added to the Returns table
  • The Search will only use Order No., Return No., and Email ID to fetch the results
  • The data for this list will be fetched from fewer DB tables

These changes have not only reduced the loading time of all the per-page data records but have also reduced the time required to get the searched/filtered results.

Important: Since the values of Customer Name and Email ID, will not be fetched from the ZnodeUser table therefore when Customer Name and Email ID of user are updated, it will not reflect on the Returns list.

[ZPD-14185/ZLMC-2248] - Encrypted Username For Reset Password Feature


The Username used for resetting the password will now be sent in an encrypted format in the Reset Password URL.

Issues Resolved

[ZPD-14789] - Web Store -  Personalized text was getting displayed twice on the Cart page, and Order Receipt UI was getting broken when a personalized attribute with two or more add-ons were used to place an Order.


[ZPD-14772/ZPD-14782] - Admin - The updated Unit Price and Quantity was not getting saved when a Bundled Product(s) was available in a Quote.


[ZPD-14687] - Web Store -  Incorrect validation message was displayed when maximum quantity was added to the Quick Order list.


[ZPD-14675] - Admin - UI and validation message on the Edit Product - Inventory tab screen were not consistent.


[ZPD-14665] - Web Store - Validation message was not getting displayed when an SKU with more than a maximum quantity was added to Quick Order.


[ZPD-14605] - Admin - An incorrect validation message was getting displayed when a variant was marked as default variant when a Configurable Product was being created.


[ZPD-14432] - Admin - Images were not getting generated in the defined sizes when Hangfire was on and media configuration was set to a server other than the local server.


[ZPD-14388/ZPD-14096] - The Admin - Blank/Null option was not displayed for simple and multi-select product attributes when no default option was available.

Important: It is necessary to update the EDMX file to include the Is Default column.


[ZPD-14361/ZLMC-2331] - Admin - The application was not allowing to update the Account address when the User details were getting updated through the ERP Connector.


[ZPD-14325/ZLMC-2308] - Web Store - Error message was getting displayed after clearing SKUs from Quick Order list.


[ZPD-14262] - Web Store - Maxwell’s Hardware theme - Select Navigation setting for Banner Slider did not used to hide Arrows when Dots were selected as a navigation option.


[ZPD-14254] - Admin - Incorrect record count was getting displayed in the Total Quotes section on the Dashboard screen.


[ZPD-14198] - Admin - After converting Quote to an Order, the last four digits of the Credit Card number were not getting displayed on the Manage Order screen.


[ZPD-14197] - Admin - Quote Number label was not getting displayed on the Manage Quote screen.


[ZPD-14166] - Admin and Web Store - Swatch images from the Highlights attribute were not getting displayed on the Product Details pages.

[ZPD-14112] - Web Store - Brands were not getting displayed in the defined sequence on the Shop By Brands page of the web-store.


[ZPD-14020] - Admin - Account Code was not getting displayed in the Account filter shortcut on the Dashboard screen.


[ZPD-13952] - Admin - The columns from different sections of the Dashboard screen were not aligned.


[ZPD-13797] - The provision to customize pricing that was available for the Product List page was not available for the Product Details page.


[ZPD-12580] - Web Store - After removing all the SKUs from the Quick Order, if again SKUs were added using the Item Numbers input box, then products were getting added in the Quick Order list from the second row and a validation message was getting displayed for the first row.


[ZPD-13875] - Admin and Web Store - SEO URL Redirect rule did not used to work because the cache was not getting cleared.


[ZPD-14226/ZLMC-2270] - Admin - Dirty forms were not consistent throughout the admin.


[ZPD-14692/ZLMC-2482] - SendOrderStatusEmail and GetOrderBillingAddress methods were not available IOrderService file for customization, and were therefore added.


[ZPD-14616/ZLMC-2457] - Admin - Application was allowing Catalog publish to be initiated when Import process was in progress, because of which Catalog publish process used to get stuck.


[ZPD-14443/ZLMC-2383] - Admin - Add/Edit Product screen UI was getting disturbed when the primary product image was uploaded.


[ZPD-14407/ZLMC-2362] - After assigning a new category to a catalog, if a product available in the newly associated category was already available in multiple categories, then after publishing the catalog, the product used to have the correct Category ID but a different Category Name in the published ZnodePublishProductEntity data.


[ZPD-14453/ZLMC-2389] - An exception used to occur while executing the code.


[ZPD-14364/ZLMC-2333] - Znode_DeletePimAttributeWithReference stored procedure was taking a long time to execute.


[ZPD-14454/ZLMC-2390] - Hangfire was not triggering scheduled ERP jobs.


[ZPD-14515/ZLMC-2409] - Hangfire was executing a single job multiple times.

[ZPD-14536/ZLMC-2416] - Admin - The default value for the Yes/No type global attribute was not getting saved in DB whenever any entity record was created.

[ZPD-13825/ZLMC-2071] - The URL mentioned in the ts file had few capital letters (/Checkout/OrderCheckoutReceipt) because of which orders were not reflecting in the GA account.

[ZPD-14325/ZLMC-2308] - Web Store - Error message gets displayed after clearing SKUs from Quick Order list.

[ZPD-14070/ZLMC-2192] - Web Store - The products were not getting loaded based on the selected default sorting criteria after the PLP and Search Result page is initially loaded.

[ZPD-14079] - Admin - The status of Blogs/News pages was not getting saved as Drafts when changes were made to it.

[ZPD-14205/ZLMC-2256] - Web Store - Previously added Country used to get selected when a customer (shopper) tries to add a new address from the Checkout page and the data in the ZnodeState table was not proper.

[ZPD-14562/ZLMC-2424] - New custom columns were required in the ZnodeOmsQuote

ZnodeOmsQuoteLineItem tables and therefore 5 custom columns were added.

[ZPD-14470/ZLMC-2396] - Web Store - Instead of a dropdown with predefined values, a text input box was getting displayed for State fields on the Checkout page for countries other than the US and Canada.

[ZPD-14501/ZLMC-2404] - Web Store - Incorrect number of configurable attributes were getting displayed on the Product Details page of a configurable product.

[ZPD-14369/ZLMC-2337] - Admin - When the import process is failed due to a DB error, then also the Import Status gets displayed as Started and no errors get logged in the import logs.

[ZPD-14166] - Admin and Web Store - Swatch images from the Highlights attribute were not getting displayed on the Product Details page.


[ZPD-14172/ZLMC-2240] - Web Store - Multiple suggestions of the same product was getting displayed in the Search Suggestions when the same product was available in multiple categories.


[ZPD-14444] -  Admin - An incorrect success message used to get displayed when any SEO record was deleted.


[ZPD-14426] - Web Store - On clicking the Back action of the Edit Billing Address section, the shipping address was getting cleared.


[ZPD-14380/ZLMC-2346] - Admin - When same/duplicate AttributeDefaultValue were available for different Attribute Codes, then all the values were getting skipped from the Import process.


[ZPD-14351/ZLMC-2327] - Web Store- A continuous loader used to get displayed in the Billing Address section for certain scenarios.


[ZPD-14230] - Web Store- A continuous loader used to get displayed when Quote was converted to Order in some scenarios.


[ZPD-14193/ZLMC-2252] - Admin - Few error messages were not set for Customer import and therefore Import process was getting failed.


[ZPD-14121/ZLMC-2219] - Admin - Even after a product(s) is deleted, SEO entities were not getting deleted from the Publish SEO Entity table.


[ZPD-14071/ZLMC-2194] - Web Store - When pagination is changed, the sorting option was getting reset.


[ZPD-14436/ZLMC-2378] - The sequence of calls and access specifiers for Voucher methods were not proper.

[ZPD-14434/ZLMC-2377] - The GenerateAccountActivationStatusEmail method of UserService was not overridable because InsertUserData method was private. 

[ZPD-14372] - Admin and Web Store - The products associated as Frequently Bought and You May Also Like were not getting displayed on the web store in the sequence defined in the admin application.

[ZPD-14024/ZLMC-2166] - Admin - Publish Failed message was not displaying in the red-colored progress bar.

[ZPD-14119/ZLMC-2217] - Admin - Even after selecting a file, the Media Selection popup was still displaying a message to select a file.

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