Release Notes

May 9, 2019

New Features

Admin Users On User List


In Znode application, admin account holders can log in to the admin application as admin users and can log in to the web store as customers (shoppers).

Since admin users can behave as a customer (shopper) and can perform most of the customer (shopper) related activities, therefore a provision is made to list the admin users on all the customer (shopper) lists available/fetched within admin application.

To display admin users on the customer (shopper) lists, SQL query changes were made in Znode_AdminUsers SP.


  • Since admin users are getting listed in all the user lists displayed/fetched in various modules of the Znode application, therefore, now, any admin user will be able to perform all the activities (like creating orders, creating gift cards, etc) for any other admin user, which were only available for customers (shoppers) from the admin application.

  • The content (like products, payment methods, shipping methods, etc) displayed to the admin users on the web store was independent of profiles previously. Since admin users are now listed on Customers >> Users list, therefore a default registered user profile (saved in store) gets associated with their account, due to which, now they will be able to view the content based on the default profile saved for their account on the web store.

  • Any user should not associate an Account and a Role Name for any admin user from Manage User module, because it would change the role of the admin user in the SQL DB, due to which the respective admin user will not be able to login to the admin application.

  • Any user should not delete/disable admin users from Customers >> Users list because it will disable/delete the user from the application.

  • The impacts of listing admin users on user lists will be handled in the coming releases.

Hide Guest Users From User List


The Customers >> Users list is mostly used by the admin users to view/manage the registered customer (shopper) accounts and guest user lists is hardly viewed/managed by them. Therefore guest users are now been removed from the Customers >> Users list in the admin application.

To hide the guest users from Customers >> Users list, changes were made in View_CustomerUserAddDetail

Note:- Guest users are removed from Customers >> Users list, but their entries will still be there in the DB

Cleanup Scripts


The following 3 clean up scripts are introduced in this release:-

  1. Indexes

  2. Log clean up

  3. Session cleanup

When the index script is executed, the Mongo DB entities indexes will get generated which will enhance the performance of the web store.

When the log clean up script is executed, log message entities generated 15 days ago from the execution time will get deleted from the Mongo DB.

When the session clean up script is executed, unnecessary user sessions (i.e. expired sessions) will get deleted from the session state database.

Issues Resolved

[ZPD-5012] - Web store - The product list page on the web store was not displaying results based on the selection of Show X sort option because hardcoded values were used for sorting. To resolve this issue, changes were made in GetCategoryProducts method of WidgetHelper file.

[ZPD-5277] - Admin & Web store - When any personalized attribute was associated with a parent configurable product, then the attribute was not getting displayed on the web store. To resolve this issue, a new method GetDefaultConfiurableProduct was added in PublishProductService, and changes were made in the following files:

  • PublishProductClient

  • PublishProductEndpoint

  • PublishProductService

  • WebApiConfig

  • PublishProductCache

  • PublishProductController

  • ProductAgent

[ZPD-4903/ZLMC-212] - API - When products added in cart exceeds the maximum quantity, the API fails to show the error message. To resolve this issue,

  • A new class EnumerableExtension.cs was added

  • Following new methods were added:

    • GetPublishProductBySkuV2 in IPublishProductServiceV2.cs

    • GetPublishProductBySkuV2 in PublishProductServiceV2.cs class

    • ValidateShoppingCart in ShoppingCartServiceV2.cs

    • createaction in ShoppingCartV2Controller.cs

    • CreateExceptionResponse in BaseController

[ZPD-5327] - Admin & Web store - Addons were getting displayed on PDP pages even after they were removed from products and after the category was published. To resolve this issue, changes were made in Znode_InsertPublishProductIds SP.

[ZPD-5404/ZLMC-295] Web store - On the Checkout page, the payment methods were accepting the expired dates for making payments. To resolve this issue, changes were made in ValidateCreditCardExpiryDate method of checkout.ts file. 

[ZPD-5593] - Web store - Submit for approval button was not getting displayed on the Checkout page when Approval routing was set up to multilevel. To resolve this issue, changes were made in SetFlagForApprovalRouting method of Checkout.ts file.

[ZPD-5644] - Web store - Changes were not getting reflected immediately after products were published to the preview site. To resolve this issue, changes were made in PreviewProduct method of ProductService.cs file.

[ZPD-5645] - Admin - SEO details of products and categories were not getting published properly when products and categories were published from the Category module. This was a cache issue. To resolve this issue, changes were made in CategoryContent and Index methods.

[ZPD-5679] - Web store - On the Checkout page, the size of the Additional Information text box was very small and therefore was enlarged by making changes in _CartReview.cshtml view.

[ZPD-5688/ZLMC-384] - In Google Analytics, unwanted span tag was getting displayed in product names, and coupons data was coming as undefined. To resolve this issue, changes were made in prepareDataLayer method and a new method getValueForDataLayer was added. Both these methods are available in checkout.ts file.

[ZPD-5717] - Web store - Shopping cart was displaying an error message for simple and bundled products because the wrong inventory setting was checked for each product. To resolve this issue, changes were made in CheckBaglineItemInventory, GetCartInsufficientQuantityCount and IsItemOutOfStock methods of ShoppingCartService.cs file.

[ZPD-5718] - Web store - Users were able to add more than the maximum purchase quantity of products to the cart. To resolve this issue, changes were made in changes made in CheckBaglineItemInventory, GetCartInsufficientQuantityCount methods of ShoppingCartService.cs file.

[ZPD-5727] - Web store - Incorrect discount amount was getting displayed on the Cart page when multiple coupons were applied for multiple line items in cart. To resolve this issue, changes were made in

  • GetOrderDiscountDetails method of ZnodeOrderFulfillment class

  • SetOrderDiscount method of orderService class

[ZPD-5736] - Publish XML ID was not getting received in a sequence due to which some categories were not getting published. To resolve this issue, changes were made in SaveCategoryInMongo, SaveProductInMongo  and SaveCatalogProductsInMongo methods of CatalogService.cs.

[ZPD-5759/ZLMC-407] - Catalog publish was breaking due to execution time out error from database. To resolve this issue, an INDEX idx_ZnodePublishCatalogLog_PublishCatalogId_LocaleId was created on ZnodePublishCatalogLog, and changes were made in Znode_GetPublishAssociatedProducts and Znode_GetPublishAssociatedAddons SPs  

[ZPD-5773] - Web store - When address validation was enabled, users were not able to place orders with Amazon Pay payment method, even when the address added was correct. To resolve this issue, changes were made in SubmitOrder and IsValidAddressForCheckout methods of CheckoutAgent file.

[ZPD-5776] - Admin & Web store - When a category was associated as a child category and as a parent category in the same catalog, then it was not getting displayed on the web store. To resolve this issue, changes were made in 

  • SetCategoryIndexFilter method of BaseService class

  • IsCallFromWebstore method of WebstoreEnum class

  • GetFilterForSubCategory method of WidgetDataAgent class

[ZPD-5791] - Admin - Application used to display an error message when Entity Attributes were created successfully. To resolve this issue, changes were made in AssignEntityGroups method of GlobalAttributeGroupEntityService.cs

[ZPD-5457] - The log message and stack trace message window’s (text box) size on Znode admin log viewer was small and was therefore enlarged by making changes in View.cshtml view.

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