Release Note

New Features

Shipping - Address validation service

This functionality validates address basis City, State, and Zipcode and recommends valid address from USPS to users on Address Book and Checkout pages. Suggestions are shown for Shipping address only. Refer Functional document for more details.


Performance Improvement

Performance improvements have been done on the Home Page, Category List Page, and Quick View by applying following optimizations:

  • Lazy loading has been implemented for Facet, Sub-category, and Product images

  • Code optimizations

Error Logging Optimizations

This functionality allows logging errors in files as well as MongoDB with capability of viewing it in the admin application.

Users can view logs using NoSQLBooster for MongoDB in case Admin is not working.

Refer Developer Guide for technical details.

Optimizations for Load Balanced Environment

  • ERP Connector Configurations are now saved in the Database. Refer Developer Guide for details.

  • Search Index (Elasticsearch) can be hosted on any server. Refer Developer Guide for details.

Publish partial data for Product (Single Product Publish)

This functionality allows users to publish a product from Product listing or Edit Product page. The changes are immediately updated in Mongo and Elastic as well. The same behaviour is replicated when the attribute update API is called.behavior

Theme Management

  • Don't require zip file upload when creating a new theme.

  • Optional CSS upload.

Issues Resolved

CASE ID 27281 : Webstore - Manage Account - Order history - When we click on the Generate Invoice button, the Invoice is not generated (When b2b user places the order).

CASE ID 27535: Webstore - The application is not allowed to reset the password if some space exists in the field.

CASE ID 27522: Admin - Search Profile - Redirecting to the login page when clicking on the facets tab page.

CASE ID 26661: Admin - OMS - Create Order - Customer shipping method fields are not displayed while clicking on the shipping method.

CASE ID 26655: Webstore - The uploaded PO document is not displayed on manage order page.

CASE ID 27597: Admin - Create an order - Place Your Order button is not displayed when the order total is 0.

CASE ID 27523: Admin - Search Profile - The application is not allowed to select all the profiles.

CASE ID 27713: Admin - OMS - Orders - No need to display a success message when try to update the order status.

CASE ID 27304: Admin - PIM - Product - Downloadable - Unable to update the SKU for downloadable product

CASE ID 26961: Admin - OMS - Orders - Incorrect order amount is displayed when trying to return the product.

CASE ID 27151:  Admin - CMS - Banner sliders - Edit Banner - Application shows error message when try to add a long "Banner URL" with special characterstrying

CASE ID 26637: Admin - PIM - Products - Tools option is not available in Group Product/You may also like pages.

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