Managing the Store Experience - V9



Navigate to: CMS > Store Experience

In the Store Experience section, Administrators can configure a store’s theme, store-specific visuals, and widgets for their stores. 

Znode uses a default theme for one or multiple stores. The default theme includes several pages that can assist administrators in creating and launching a store. Administrators can download a theme from the themes section, which can act as a template to create a custom theme, and can also add/modify Pages, CSS, or Widgets based on requirements. After a new theme is built, add it to Znode via CMS > Site Themes.

Note - Wrapper Widgets To Configure Content Containers - A new type of Container z-widget is introduced in Znode version 9.7.2 that can be used to associate any content container with CMS pages or generic Store Experience pages that has the z-widget available).

Configuring Store Experience General Settings

Navigate to: CMS > Store Experience > General Settings Tab



Website Title

The input indicates the title of the website.

Website Description

The input indicates the description of the website.

Website Logo

The uploaded image gets displayed on the webstore in the header and footer of the store.


The uploaded image gets displayed on the webstore as a Favicon image.


Administrators can select any available theme for the webstore.


Administrators can select any available CSS associated with the chosen theme for the webstore.

Dynamic Style

The Dynamic Styles feature allows Administrators to add or override the CSS styles displayed on the web store, from the Znode admin application. The new CSS file is dynamically added to the store once the added CSS is saved and the store’s CMS Content is published.

WYSIWYG Editor Styles

The WYSIWYG Editor Styles feature allows Administrators to add new content formats in WYSIWYG editors for styling content used in CMS Pages. Once the added JSON code is saved, the format styles become available under the format menu in the WYSIWYG editor.


  • This editor does not have any error validation for code written and requires administrators to verify the code added in WYSIWYG Editor Styles editor before saving.

  • Sample JSON code:




"name":"Custom Format Mark",

"format":"{ 'inline': 'mark', 'styles': { 'color': '#668cff', 'fontSize': '25px' }, 'attributes': { 'title': 'Custom format Mark' }}"



"name":"Custom Format Emphasized",

"format":"{ 'inline': 'em', 'styles': { 'color': '#2eb82e', 'fontSize': '20px' }, 'attributes': { 'title': 'Custom format Emphasized' }}"



"name":"Custom Format Text",

"format":"{ 'inline': 'span', 'styles': { 'color': '#2eb82e', 'fontSize': '20px' }, 'attributes': { 'title': 'Custom format Text' }}"



"name":"Custom Format Delete",

"format":"{ 'inline': 'del', 'styles': { 'color': '#ff8080', 'fontSize': '16px' }, 'attributes': { 'title': 'Custom format Delete' }}"



"name":"Custom Format Superscript",

"format":"{ 'inline': 'sup', 'styles': { 'fontSize': '16px' }, 'attributes': { 'title': 'Custom format Superscript' }}"



"name":"Custom Format Subcript",

"format":"{ 'inline': 'sub', 'styles': { 'fontSize': '16px' }, 'attributes': { 'title': 'Custom format Subcript' }}"




Configuring Homepage Content

Navigate to: CMS > Store Experience > Home Content Tab

Store Home Page contains default configurable Widgets (Slider, Advertisement Banner, New Arrival, and Home Page Special) and one nonconfigurable Widget (Recently Viewed Products, which updates based on which product pages customers view).




Administrators can associate a banner slider through this widget that appears on the home page of the webstore. To configure this widget, the administrator can perform the below steps.

Step 1 - Click the Configure button

Step 2 - Enter the required information :

Select Slider - Administrators can select any banner slider from the available list of options.

Select Type - Administrators can select the type of width the banner slider should have when displayed on the webstore.

Select Navigation - Administrators can select the type of Navigation action which needs to be displayed to change the banner on the webstore.

Autoplay - Administrators can select whether the slide will automatically transition to the next slide on the webstore. 

Autoplay Timeout - Administrators can enter the autoplay timeout duration in this field.

Autoplay Hover Pause - Administrators can select whether the banner sliding will pause when hovering.

Select Transition Style - Administrators can select the transition style of the banner slider.

Advertisement Banner

Administrators can associate an advertisement banner through this widget so that it can appear on the home page of the webstore. To configure this widget, administrators can complete the below steps.

Step 1 - Click the Configure button

Step 2 - Enter the required information :

Select Slider - Administrators can select an advertisement banner from the available list of options.

Autoplay - Administrators can select whether the advertisement banner will automatically slide to the next banner on the webstore.

Autoplay Timeout - Administrators can enter the autoplay timeout duration in this field.

Autoplay Hover Pause - Administrators can select whether the advertisement banner will pause when hovering.

New Arrivals

Administrators associate or dissociate newly added products in this widget so that the products are displayed in the New Arrival section on the home page.

Home Page Specials

Administrators associate or dissociate any products in this widget so that the added products are displayed in the home page Specials section.

Category List

Administrators associate or dissociate any categories in this widget so that the added categories are displayed in the Category List section on the home page.

Brand list

Administrators can associate or dissociate any brands in this widget so that the added brands are displayed in the Brands section on the home page.

Recently Viewed Products

Recently Viewed Products is a non-configurable widget that displays the customer’s recently viewed products on the home page.

Navigate to: CMS > Store Experience > Footer Section Tab

The Footer section contains default widgets, four configurable widgets (Social Media, Help Section, Store Info, and Payment Gateways), and two non-configurable (Newsletter and Customer Support).




The Newsletter widget is non-configurable and indicates the section where the Newsletter form will appear in the footer of the webstore. 

Social Media

Administrators add/edit/remove the social media options by configuring this widget. The display order shows the element on the front end according to the number added.

Help Section

Administrators can add/edit/remove page links by configuring this widget. The display order shows the element on the front end according to the number added.

Store Info

Administrators can add/edit/remove page links by configuring this widget. The display order shows the element on the front end according to the number added.

Customer Support

The Customer Support widget is non-configurable and displays the customer support contact details in the footer section of the webstore.

Payment Gateway

Administrators can add/edit/remove payment options by configuring this widget. The display order shows the element on the front end according to the number added.

Configuring Product Page Image Display Size

Navigate to: CMS > Store Experience > Product Page Tab

Administrators can set the Product Image Size based on the Product Type Detail. By default, Administrators can choose "Big", "Medium", and "Small".

Configuring Cart

Administrators can create Z-widget Content Container from this section which can be included in any generic page file. Administrators can associate any content container with the container widget using the Edit button and the same can be removed using the Remove button. 

Note - Administrators have to manually publish a content container in order to display its contents on the web store.

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