Release Notes

Release Notes / Version / December 30, 2022


Release Information

Znode release includes a few enhancements and bug fixes.

Breaking Changes

Please refer to this Breaking Changes Document for more information.


[ZPD-23317] - Publish Enhancements


  • Enhancements are made to speed up publish process. 

[ZPD-22910/ZLMC-4036] - Enhancements to Product Import Process


  • Performance-related enhancements have been made to the product import/update process.

[ZPD-23239/ZLMC-4137] - Store Experience Enhancements


  • Earlier, the admin User was landing on a different section of Store Experience after saving changes to one section of it.
  • The enhancements are made to Store Experience and now the admin user lands on the same section of Store Experience after saving the changes to it. 

[ZPD-23117/ZLMC-4118] - Enhancements related to Refund ID


  • Till Znode v9.7.4, Znode only saved the Transaction ID while creating the order and there was no implementation for saving the Refund ID. 
  • From Znode v9.7.4.1, different transaction IDs will be saved and displayed for Orders and Returns.

Issues Resolved

[ZPD-22983/ZLMC-4078] - Admin and Web Store - The data in custom fields for a product on the web store differed from the data entered from the admin side.


[ZPD-23240/ZLMC-4138] - Admin - An error was displayed while creating a custom shipping method with an already-used Internal Code.


[ZPD-23241/ZLMC-4139] - Web Store - When the user pasted/entered the SKU directly into the Quick Order without selecting from the dropdown list and then entered the product quantity, the SKU did not validate and thus the "Add to Cart" button was disabled. 


[ZPD-23339/ZLMC-4165] - Admin and Web Store - Even after the add-ons were unassociated for a specific product and publishing the product changes, the add-ons for that product were still visible on the PDP.


[ZPD-23444/ZLMC-4177] - Admin and Web Store - When the same catalog was associated with 2 stores and Global Setting “Is Full Page Cache Active” was enabled, products on PLP for Store 2 displayed Store 1 URLs when hovered.


[ZPD-23505] - Admin - When a product was updated through the product import process, the SKU was updated when the CSV value was blank, which impacted the product publish.


[ZPD-23539/ZLMC-4190] - Admin and Web Store - After the catalog was published, some of the Categories associated with the Catalog were not displayed on the web store.


[ZPD-23556/ZLMC-4193] - Web Store - When products with add-ons were transferred/moved from Save For Later to Cart, the add-on options were not displayed as intended.


[ZPD-23605/ZLMC-4208] - Admin and Web Store - Inventory-related messages were displayed in PLP when “Out of Stock Options” in Product Setting was set to “Don’t track inventory, enable purchasing regardless of stock”.


[ZPD-23612/ZLMC-4210] - Admin - An error was displayed while associating products to the Add-On group with the name containing special characters. 


[ZPD-23689/ZLMC-4235] - Admin and Web Store - The add-on product was not associated and displayed with the published product on the web store when it was imported using the Product Import process and subsequently associated with the product using the AddonAssociation Import process.


[ZPD-23693/ZLMC-4239] - Admin and Web Store - The products were not displayed in the "Associated Products" section of the Category when the admin user tried to associate the imported products to it; instead, a notification reading "Product Associated Successfully with the Category" was displayed.


[ZPD-23407] - Admin - For Form Submission Export, excessive logs were generated and not deleted based on the set time defined in web.config file.


[ZPD-23526/ZLMC-4187] - Commerce - Hardcoded data was found on Maxwell’s Hardware which was removed and added a script to add H1 tag dynamically on a conditional basis if H1 is not present on the view.


[ZPD-23732/ZLMC-4248] - Commerce - GetSavedCartForLater was not overridable.

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