Release Note

July 11, 2018

New Features

Export to CSV/Excel

This feature allows user to export the product information as a CSV or Excel file.

Mass Product Updates

This feature allows you to update product attributes in bulk and publish the changes if required.

Centralized Logging

Entire application logs are configured and managed from a central location. Users can view, turn ON or OFF and purge the records based on log categorization. These records are stored in MongoDB.

Partial Publish

This feature allows users to publish a single entity with immediate reflection of the changes on webstore. The user does not have to publish a catalog or store anymore on updating any of the following entities:the 

  1. Product

  2. Category

  3. Category - Product association

  4. Pages

  5. Content Blocks

  6. Banner Sliders

  7. SEO

Enhanced List View Usability

This feature provides the following enhanced filter and view capabilities:

  1. Add one or multiple filters

  2. Remove one or multiple filters

  3. Facilitate filter editing

  4. Create views with different visibility access

  5. Set a view as default

Product Information on Single-Screen

This feature allows user to view and edit the Product SEO, Pricing, Inventory and Category association from Product page. In addition, user can view the associated Catalog from the Product page however editing can only be done via Catalog users

Add Media to Network Drive

Media Settings now provides an additional option wherein the user can store the media in a network drive and provide its URL and path to access the same.

Custom Shipping Rates

This feature allows users to add custom shipping rates during create order flow from Admin. The custom rates provided will override the original rates received from courier partners.

The original and custom rates are visible to Admin however customers can see only the final rates associated.


The following new features have been added to existing search capabilities:

  1. Search Widget: This functionality allows user to create a page showing results from a defined keyword.

  2. Relevance Based Ranking: This functionality allows user to set the relevance of the search results based on a particular numeric field.

  3. Boost and Bury: This functionality allows user to boost or bury specific products in the search results.

Note: Delete old search index post upgrade; click here for steps.

Turn Emails On/Off

This functionality allows user to turn off email sending capacity for the store. This is useful in development phase when user does not want send emails unnecessarily.


This functionality allows you add and edit SEO information before the entity is published. Moreover, user has to provide SEO information only once even though multiple association for an entity exists. SEO tab is now provided on Product and Category edit pages.

Note: Delete the old Mongo entry using Mongo Booster post upgrade and then publish the Store and Catalog.

Cost Price

A new optional field named Cost Price has been added to the Pricing Engine wherein user can mention the cost price of the product for their reference and further analysis.

New Payment Gateways added

Following two new payments gateways are now available to user:

  1. Cybersource, a credit card payment system

  2. Amazon Pay

Open Link Widgets in New Tab

Admin has provision to select whether to open a link widget in a new tab or not by checking ‘Open in New tab’ checkbox. By default, the system will open link widget in the same tab.


Performance Optimizations

Optimizations have been done on shopping cart page resulting in quicker add and update cart workflow. In addition, publish product list has been optimized on Admin side.

Admin Password Change

For improved security, this features prompts the user to change the password every time user logs-in with the default password provided.

Code field added on Store, Store Location, Category, and Blogs & News

A new unique field named Code has been added on Store, Store Location, Category, and Blog & News entities. This new field is being used for CRUD operations on these entities.


A new option named “All” has been added allowing user to create SiteMap for Products, Category and Content Pages in one go.

State field Changed to Dropdown from Textbox

For the Address section in Admin and Webstore, State field will display a list in case Country selected is United States or Canada whereas for others it will be an optional textbox.

Robot.txt changes

HTML tags from robot.txt has been removed to ensure it is in sync with standard Google format.

Hide the Secret Key in Media Settings

This functionality prevents to copy the secret key from media setting page. This will secure the secret key of Azure or Amazon cloud storage to be misused. User can update the key, but after updating they cannot see it because of security reasons.

Count of Products an Attribute is Used In

Under Product Attributes, user can view the count of products in which an attribute is used.

Paypal transactions recorded in Sandbox

Paypal transactions will now be recorded in its Sandbox instance.

Added warehouseId in the OrderWarehouse model

WarehouseId has been added to manage order and order receipt section allowing user to customize and display warehouse details, if required.

Coupons and Promotions Enhancements

The following promotions are now available for Configurable and Grouped products:

  1. ‘Amount of X if Y Purchased’ discount type

  2. ‘Percent Off Displayed Product Price’ discount type

Inventory Management for Bundle Products

In the improved workflow, the inventory for individual products that make up a bundle is decreased instead of the complete bundled product.

Issues Resolved

[ZPD-208] - Customer Reported Issue | Site Search history shows an incorrect user name.

[ZPD-213] - Customer Reported Issue | Admin orders are not getting saved because of ERP call is failing during order creation.

the [ZPD-233] - Multifront - Webstore - In Microsoft Edge, checkout process is completed in another instance if we are using paypal Express.

[ZPD-252] - Multifront - Roles and Access - Store - An error page is displayed when we create a new store with single store permission.
[ZPD-254] - Multifront - Admin - Sorting and filter is not saved when we save any views on the page.
[ZPD-287] - PIM - The Downloadable Product is only saved in the default locale.

[ZPD-292] - Multifront - Webstore - For downloadable product. no need to display the shipping method.

[ZPD-329] - Product Feed is not being generated for all Products if the total product count is ~10,000.

[ZPD-635] - Customer Reported Issue | Data in ZnodeUser table not getting deleted on user creation failure.

[ZPD-637] - Customer Reported Issue | Incorrect Data getting inserted while importing.

[ZPD-923] - Customer Reported Issue | CAT - Webstore - User Email - Incorrect store name is displayed in user mail.

[ZPD-924] - Customer Reported Issue | Webstore - Coupon code gets reset while trying to add the product to the shopping cart for registered users.

[ZPD-1416] - Multifront - Webstore - Reset password screen is not displayed to the customer created from the admin site.

[ZPD-1427] - Customer Reported Issue | SEO issue for content page having the same name for more than one portal.

[ZPD-1452] - Customer Reported Issue | Error message is displayed after entering dot(.) in the quantity field on the shopping cart.

[ZPD-1523] - Customer Reported Issue | Create an Order - Applied Gift Card and CSR discount getting removed on adding products.

[ZPD-1536] - Incorrect Saved View mapping due to session management.

[ZPD-1611] - Customer Reported Issue | Using a saved card after typing in a new card causes the new card to be used.

[ZPD-1690] - Multifront - Webstore - Custom rate is not applied for configurable products.

[ZPD-1697] - Multifront - OMS - Orders -Incorrect quantity is displayed while sending the returned order email.

[ZPD-1719] - Multifront - SEO - Duplicate category is displayed when the category is published.

[ZPD-1787] - B163:  Scheduler does not work if the name has spaces in it.
[ZPD-1846] - Multifront - OMS - Quotes - State code is displayed in manage quote page.on

[ZPD-1856] - Multifront - Form Builder - Image and File type validation is not working on the webstore.

[ZPD-1884] - Multifront - Webstore - Discount field is not displayed when the amount of shipping with carrier coupon is applied.

[ZPD-1905] - Multifront - PIM - Products - Keys are still displayed in the list if we delete from OMS - Inventory.

on[ZPD-1914] - OMS - Quotes - The updated shipping amount is not displayed in the manage quote page.

[ZPD-1918] - OMS - Orders - Order receipt is sent to the customer if line item status changes.

[ZPD-1945] - Webstore - Quote History - An error message is displayed for another product if in case of configurable.
[ZPD-2229] - On changing Product SKU or Category Code, SEO information is lost however the entry remains in DB with previous data.

Known Issues

[ZPD-202] - Chase Paymentech will not work if the state name is present while placing the order.

[ZPD-259] - Webstore - The user is able to add more than the maximum quantity using Quick Order feature.
[ZPD-264] - Media Manager – GIF images do not behave properly after uploading to the Media Manager.
[ZPD-274] - Multifront - OMS - Inventory - Downloadable product - Quantity increases on returning the product.
are [ZPD-323] - Catalog - Catalog publish process is taking time for a locale if more than 50000 products associated in the catalog.
the [ZPD-350] - Installer: Multifront - Webstore - B2B - When user created quotes and manager checkout with a promo code, the "Fail to create" error message is displayed. 

[ZPD-1079] - Multifront - Store - Duplicate column name is displayed when we add multiple filters.
[ZPD-1080] - Multifront - Store - A newly created store is displayed even if the admin user has access for only one store.
[ZPD-1536] - Incorrect Saved View mapping due to session management issue.

[ZPD-1537] - Webstore - Mobile Device - 'State' not displayed as a drop-down.
[ZPD-1594] - Multifront - Webstore - Auto add-ons are not displayed on the shopping cart page.
[ZPD-1610] - Webstore - Clicking on the 'Close' icon clears all the address field details.
[ZPD-1641] - Webstore - Profile-based Promotions not working in the Shipping Progress bar.
[ZPD-1702] - Multifront - OMS - Orders - Already entered CC details get clear when the expiration date is incorrect.
is allowed[ZPD-1883] - Multifront - Webstore - The application is allow to reorder the call for pricing product if the order is placed via admin.
[ZPD-1893] - Multifront - Webstore - Facets are not displayed according to the display order set at attribute level.
[ZPD-1907] - Multifront - Mac - All the Order page is displayed in print packaging preview.
roles[ZPD-1917] - Multifront - DAM is displayed on the dashboard if OMS and customer role are assigned to the admin user.
[ZPD-1924] - Webstore - Associated products are not displayed for group products while publish the category.
[ZPD-1936] - Webstore - The amount of category promotion is not working if a variant is not associated to the catalog.

[ZPD-1939] - Admin - SEO Import - Redirect From, RedirectTo is not working while importing.

[ZPD-2244] - Admin - The SEO details for the default locale are displayed for other locales instead of blank fields.

[ZPD-2272] - Incorrect nested categories displayed on the webstore.


The following needs to be ensured after upgrading to this version:

  1. The previously deleted stores may start to show. Please note that no associations exist with that store and you can safely delete those again.

  2. Delete old search indexes.

  3. Delete the old Mongo entry using Mongo Booster post upgrade and then publish the Store and Catalog.

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