Manage Order Flags

This feature was introduced in Znode 9.9


Introduction to Order Flags

Navigate to: System Configuration & Management > Commerce Portal Settings > Manage Order Flags

This allows admin users to create Order Flags in the Commerce Portal, which can be used as a checklist for Orders that are required to process the Orders.

In “Commerce Portal Settings (under Dev Center)” there is a section “Order Flags” where all the configured Order Types are displayed with the following columns with an option to add new Flags:

  • Flag Code
  • Name Unchecked
  • Name Checked
  • Can Override
  • Name Overridden
  • Display Order

If no Flags are created, the message "No records found" will appear.

Managing Order Flags

Admin can add new or edit/delete the previously created Order Flags.  The add new/edit option will allow them to add/update the following information associated with an Order Flag:

  • Flag Code (Unique)
    • Flag Code is a mandatory field.
  • Name Unchecked
    • Name Unchecked will be used as a label of the Flag when it is associated with an Order in an open state.
  • Name Checked
    • Name Checked will be used as a label of the Flag when it is associated with an Order and is in a completed state.
  • Can Override
    • This will be a Yes/No attribute that defines whether the Flag can be overridden or not.
    • If this setting is set to No then the Flag will be a mandatory flag for an Order.
    • If the setting is set to Yes, the Flag can be overridden, which means it can be converted from a mandatory Flag to an optional flag for the Order, and if the Flag is marked as optional, the Order can be completed without completing the overridden Flag.
  • Name Overridden
    • If the ‘Can Override’ setting is set to Yes then this will be a mandatory field.
    • Name Overridden will be used as a label of the flag when it is associated with an Order in an overridden state.
  • Display Order
    • Sets Display Order of the Flag when it has been associated with an Order.


Once saved, admin users can associate User Groups whose members will be allowed to change the status of the Flag from open to overridden state. 

If no User Groups are associated here then the admin users will not be able to change the status of the Flag from open to overridden state.

Managing Order Flag Override User Groups:

Admin users can associate/unassociate User Groups that can change the status of the flag from open to overridden state. 

If no user groups are associated with the flag, the message "No records found" will appear.

To associate new User Groups, the admin user can click on “Associate User Groups” which will open the list of User Groups to choose from.

All the associated User Groups are displayed here in the following columns:

  • User Group Code
  • User Group Name
  • Action
    • Delete
      • This will remove the associated User Groups.

Important Point:

  • Flags associated with Orders can not be deleted.

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