Deployment and Setup Documentation for Custom Table


Comprehensive Guide to Host on IIS with Additional Domain Requirements: 

Custom Tables microservice APIs are developed in .Net Core. To deploy the custom tables API, users must install .net framework 8-preview on their hosting server.

  • Below are the steps to install the framework SDK on the hosting server.
    • Visit the Official .NET Core Download Page from the URL below.

    • Install .Net Core 8 previews 5 versions from the below Microsoft URL

    • Please select 8.0.0 - preview. 5 as given below.

    • As this is a preview version we need to alter the below setting in Visual Studio

    • Post the above changes in settings, the VS 2022 must be updated to the latest version

    • Post completing the above steps the system needs to be restarted.

  • On the hosting server, we require the SDK below which we get from the mentioned link above.
    • Aspnetcore-runtime-8.0.0-preview.5.23302.2-win-x64
    • Dotnet-hosting-8.0.0-preview.5.23302.2-win
    • Dotnet-sdk-8.0.100-preview.5.23303.2-win-x64

      For Docker File, we have to write commands like below:

  • If you want to run custom table functionality, there are a couple of prerequisites as below:
    • You must host a separate custom table API.
    • To host the Custom table API additional Domain will be required
  • Once domain setup is done, configuration details must be added for database connection and Admin application.
  • Below is the Connection String for the custom table. You need to enter the connection string with details of the respective server.
  • In the admin web configuration file, you must add your CustomTable API endpoint URL.
  • The following files need to be deployed on the server:
    • Znode.Engine.CustomTable.Model.xml
    • Znode.Engine.CustomTable.Api.xml
    • Znode.CustomTable.Api.xml

  • Update the Custom Table API web.config settings with the following settings on the hosting server.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><configuration>
    <location path="." inheritInChildApplications="false">
            <!-- Remove WebDAV module so that we can make DELETE requests -->
            <remove name="WebDAVModule" />
            <remove name="WebDAV" />
            <add name="aspNetCore" path="" verb="" modules="AspNetCoreModuleV2" resourceType="Unspecified" />
         <aspNetCore processPath="dotnet" arguments=".\Znode.Engine.CustomTable.Api.dll" stdoutLogEnabled="false" stdoutLogFile=".\logs\stdout" hostingModel="inprocess" />
    <!--ProjectGuid: 9EE48E98-4D23-4CDE-87E4-61D9108A80A4-->
  • The custom table menu can be disabled from the Admin application if the user wishes to not use the intended functionality
  • Considering the Security constraints, the custom table service will be hosted on a private network, by default, and will only be accessible via the AdminaApp
  • If any User needs public access then the API needs to be configured with the Ocelot Gateway with JWT token authentication for publicly secure usage.

Important Points to run the Custom Table service without Znode Database:-

  • Custom Tables can work independently with any database
  • There is a prerequisite on some tables and SP for import and export which needs to be included/deployed in that database where custom tables are to be created.
    • Tables
      • ZnodeImportProcessLog


    • Procedure
      • Znode_ImportCustomTable

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