9.9.2 Release Notes

Release Notes / Version 9.9.2 / 2024-08-08


Release Information

Znode v9.9.2 includes enhancements, v9.9.0.1 and  v9.9.0.2 merges, important merges from v9.7.4.4 and bug fixes.


  • Products with Addons Behavior in Cart and Saved Cart - Enhancements 

  • Checkout Page - Enhancements

  • Vertex Tax Implementation - B Stores

  • OOE Email Validation - Enhancement

  • Banner URL/Link - Enhancement

  • Cart Page - Performance Improvements

  • Promotions Import-related Enhancements

Important Information And Breaking Changes 

Store Location Updates

  • The position of Latitude and Longitude has been flipped under Stores & Reps > Store Locations > Add Store Location.

Pricing Engine label change

  • Pricing Engine label has been renamed to Price Lists

Deprecation - Hide Billing Address 

  • Hide Billing Address feature has been deprecated for all the payment methods except COD.

Other Breaking Changes

Please refer to this Breaking Changes Document for more information


[ZPD-29696/ZPD-30585/ZPD-30706/ZPD-30621/ZPD-26995/ZPD-30469/ZPD-31132/ZPD-31130/ZPD-30446/ZPD-31042/ZPD-30562/ZPD-27754ZLMC-6209/ZLMC-6210/ZLMC-5842/ZLMC-5067/ZLMC-5611/ZLMC-5913/ZLMC-5879/ZLMC-5997/ZLMC-5815/ZLMC-6170/ZLMC-5875] - Products with Addons Behavior in Cart and Saved Cart - Enhancements

Shopper Experience

  • Earlier, product details on the Cart page were not displayed correctly when a shopper attempted to add a product (to the cart) with the same SKUs selected in multiple add-on groups. Also, an issue was observed when the same product was added to the Cart/Saved Cart with different add-ons.

  • In this release, enhancements have been made to display the names of add-on groups and add-ons selected for the product added to the cart.

  • The following scenarios have been taken care of:

    • Move items to Saved Cart from Cart.

    • Edit items and their quantities in the Saved Cart and then Save.

    • Transfer items to the Cart from the Saved Cart.

    • Reorder items (which are added to the Cart)

  • Issues related to the Saved Cart name and product/addon names were also fixed.

    Important Points:

  • Convert Quote to Order and Reorder has not been considered in this release.

  • The quantity of the product will not merge in the Saved Cart if the product with the same addons is added to the Saved Cart.

[ZPD-30758/ZPD-31116/ZPD-30254/ZLMC-6007/ZLMC-6157/ZLMC-5755] - Checkout Page - Enhancements


  • On the checkout page, the session for the user will stay active regardless of the session timeout value.

  • Keeping the user session on the checkout page active will be controlled through a flag in the web config file.

  • To activate this feature, the value for the flag should be set as ‘TRUE’. The default value of this flag would be set to ‘FALSE’ in the config file

    Important Points:

  • If on a specific browser, a user is logged in, goes on to the checkout page, and on the other tabs opens up the home page to browse some other stuff on the webstore. 

    • Now, the user does not perform any activity on the homepage tab so in this case, the session will never expire for the user as the user session will be active till the time the checkout page is there in one of the tabs in the browser.

[ZPD-29211/ZLMC-5540] - Vertex Tax Implementation - B Stores

B Store

  • Previously, Vertex Tax was not calculated for B Stores, despite being calculated for A Stores.  

  • This release includes an implementation allowing tax calculations to be displayed accurately on A and B stores.

[ZPD-30986/ZLMC-6144] - OOE Email Validation - Enhancement

Shopper Experience

  • Until version 9.9.1, shoppers could register on the webstore using email addresses with up to four characters in the domain name.

  • From version 9.9.2, email addresses can now contain up to 5 characters in the domain name.

[ZPD-30910/ZLMC-6103] - Banner URL/Link - Enhancement


  • When the administrator tried to enter absolute URLs without domain names in Admin > CMS > Banner Slider > Manage Banner Slider, a validation error occurred.

  • In this release, the Banners can now accept both absolute and fully qualified URLs.

[ZPD-30584/ZLMC-5886] - Cart Page - Performance Improvements

Shopper Experience/ Commerce

  • Shoppers encountered slowness-related issues while attempting to update the quantities of line items in the cart if the cart contained a significant number of line items.

[ZPD-30675/ZLMC-5981] - Promotions Import related Enhancements


  • Previously, administrators were facing issues in modifying the End Date for expired promotions, which has been addressed in this release.

Issues Resolved

[ZPD-15753/ZLMC-2812] - Admin - Permission-related issues were observed while refreshing the Cloudflare Cache from the admin console.

[ZPD-29299/ZLMC-5555] - Admin and Webstore - When the Administrator authenticated using Tradecentric, he was directed to the login page rather than the homepage.

[ZPD-29322/ZLMC-5562] - Admin and Webstore - When importing SEO details, no robot tag-related details were added or updated on the webstore.

[ZPD-29561/ZPD-30270/ZLMC-5583/ZLMC-5758] - Admin - Date attributes with the "IsRequired" flag set as "NO" did not allow the related data to be stored in the database when the value of the date attribute is null or blank.

[ZPD-29616/ZLMC-5602] - Admin - Administrators could set multiple user profiles to default for the shoppers.

[ZPD-29715/ZPD-29764/ZLMC-5622/ZLMC-5642] - Admin - CSV import for Custom Table was not generating error logs as expected for invalid inputs.

[ZPD-30022/ZLMC-5684] - Admin - When the administrator attempted to return to the previous screen in the admin panel by pressing the browser back button, a continuous loader appeared.

[ZPD-30049/ZLMC-5696] - Admin - When the large image was uploaded to the DAM, the image appeared distorted on the Media Manager page.

[ZPD-30079/ZLMC-5707] - B Store - Account activation email was sent to the shopper if their profile was updated through the react storefront.

[ZPD-30080/ZPD-29878/ZLMC-5708] - Webstore and B Store - When a new shopper was created using the React storefront, the shopper received two emails: an account creation email and an account activation email, rather than only an account creation email.

[ZPD-30253/ZLMC-5754] - Webstore - The Wishlist's product count was incorrect if it included a deactivated product.

[ZPD-30283/ZLMC-5762] - Admin - No error logs were generated when the input contained decimals in the attribute with the Allow Decimal flag set to NO.

[ZPD-30473/ZPD-30289/ZLMC-5844/ZLMC-5769] - Webstore and B Store - Customers were unable to select between variants if the attribute name contained ".

[ZPD-30486/ZLMC-5855] - Webstore - Unexpected behavior was noticed when a shopper attempted to add a product in one tab and then tried to check out in another.

[ZPD-30606/ZLMC-5901] - Webstore and B Store - Previous page details are shown on the browser back, after logging out from the Webstore.

[ZPD-30447/ZLMC-5817] - Admin - Shoppers could not update the Saved Cart name.

[ZPD-30630/ZLMC-5928] - Admin and Webstore - Refresh Cloudflare Cache was not working as expected.

[ZPD-30631/ZPD-26508/ZLMC-5929/ZLMC-4992] - Admin - Personalizations were not associated with the product when the administrator attempted to associate them using the bulk update feature.

[ZPD-30641/ZPD-31340/ZLMC-5950/ZLMC-6310] - Webstore - The category hyperlink in the search results did not redirect to the category page when clicked.

ZPD-30670/ZLMC-5976] - Webstore - The shopper encountered an error when attempting to access the checkout page without logging in.

[ZPD-30848/ZPD-30070/ZLMC-6044/ZLMC-5703] - Admin - The administrator received an order notification email whenever the order/line item details were updated. Also, the order date was getting updated.

[ZPD-30873/ZPD-30904/ZLMC-6071/ZLMC-6001] - Webstore - Shoppers encountered issues when attempting to download the PDF files.

[ZPD-30913/ZLMC-6106] - Admin and Webstore - CMS Pages were viewable on the Webstore for all profiles, despite being restricted to certain profiles. 

[ZPD-30981/ZPD-30933/ZPD-30935/ZPD-30917/ZPD-30073/ZPD-31363/ZPD-31337/ZLMC-6325/ZLMC-6138/ZLMC-6111/ZLMC-6124/ZLMC-6304] - Webstore - An incorrect error message appeared on the shipping address field when the shopper was trying to place an Order.

[ZPD-31023/ZLMC-6157] - Admin - The administrator received an error message when attempting to refresh the API cache.

[ZPD-12782/ZLMC-1789] - Webstore - The Enter key in the Quantity box on the Cart page did not work.

[ZPD-30588/ZLMC-5844] - Webstore - Commit dates were not displayed for FedEx Non-LTL shipping methods.

[ZPD-30629/ZLMC-5926] - Admin - The administrators received errors when importing products with many records.

[ZPD-30650/ZPD-30698/ZPD-30889/ZLMC-5993] - Admin and Webstore - The variant level publish for the content containers did not work when the 'Is Full Page Cache Active' Flag under the Dev Center--> Global Settings-->Cache Management was ‘Checked’. 

[ZPD-30844/ZLMC-6041] - Admin - The administrator could not view the list of users associated with the Pricing Engine (which is now Price Lists).

[ZPD-30792] - Admin and Webstore - No profile was associated with any new account created through an import process.

[ZPD-30918] - Webstore - Shoppers encountered an unexpected issue on the Checkout page.

[ZPD-30922/ZPD-31164/ZLMC-6116/ZLMC-6231] - Webstore - Facets were not working as expected on mobile devices.

[ZPD-30998/ZLMC-6153] - Commerce - When the shopper registered on the Webstore, multiple default user profile entries were created in the database.

[ZPD-30914] - Admin - The sequence of fields changed when the homepage ad space container's locale was changed.

[ZPD-30628/ZLMC-5917] - Admin - The administrator was getting an unexpected error while creating a shopper from the admin.

[ZPD-31227/ZLMC-6288] - Admin - The administrator received an object reference error on opening the ERP Touch Point List.

[ZPD-31159/ZLMC-6237] - Admin - The exported CSV of form data is displaying the date format as MM/DD/YYYY instead of adhering to the configured format of DD/MM/YYYY.

[ZPD-31097] - Webstore and Admin - The currency symbol was missing from all of the quotes placed on the webstore and admin.

[ZPD-29190/ZPD-31427/ZLMC-5523/ZLMC-6350] - Admin - The administrator could associate the duplicate variants on configurable products using product association import.

[ZPD-29712/ZLMC-5620] - Admin - The administrator was getting unexpected errors when attempting to import records for Custom Tables.

[ZPD-29748/ZLMC-5637] - Webstore - Shoppers were able to return the same product multiple times using multiple tabs if the order had multiple line items.

[ZPD-31201/ZLMC-6278] - Admin - Administrators were unable to place orders using Authorize.Net payment methods from Customers >> Users >> Manage User >> User Cart >> Create Order. 

[ZPD-31026/ZLMC-6161] - Admin and Webstore - Banner Slider Widget on CMS pages was not rendered properly.

[ZPD-30799] - Webstore - Commit Dates were displayed for UPS and USPS shipping methods.

[ZPD-30587/ZLMC-5893] - Admin - When products were associated with a Brand through the PIM >> Brands >> Manage Brand >> Associated items >> Associate Products, the Product Status was not updated to Draft.

[ZPD-30454/ZLMC-5823] - Webstore - When shoppers opened the webstore in two tabs and signed in on the first tab, they saw a blank screen when they clicked on the sign-in button on the second.

[ZPD-30449/ZLMC-5819] - Webstore - Reviews for the variant were displayed instead of the Configurable Product when “Read Reviews” was opened from the Quick View.

[ZPD-29991/ZLMC-5622] - Webstore - When shoppers submitted Order feedback using an email address that had + and -, they received invalid error validation errors.

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