Release Note

November 30, 2018


Scheduler Path Changes

Production Output

In the earlier releases, the scheduler used to be part of the APIs. From this release, scheduler will work as a standalone application so that it can be used by any API.

Web Store Performance Improvement

Shopper Experience

The loading speed of web stores with a large number of products has been improved to a larger extent. This improvement has increased the performance of the web stores.

Issues Resolved

[ZPD-3371] - Admin -- Manage Order --> After partial shipping, order values are behaving differently.

[ZPD-3422] - Web Store --> Shoppers are being allowed to place an order using the Invoice Me payment method without requiring to check the approval message- “I want to sign up for invoice me (requires approval). Your order will be placed on hold until approved”.

[ZPD-3488] - Web Store - If a shopper adds a product with add-ons in the cart and another same product without add-ons in the cart and then logs in to the store, the product with add-ons is automatically removed from the cart.

[ZPD-3494] - The checkout page and thank you page show the wrong Order Subtotal.

[ZPD-3600] - Marketing - Promotion - Selected catalog is not being displayed

[ZPD-3648] - OMS - Orders - Manage Order - While adding a product, the associated product name is not being displayed.

[ZPD-3667] - Web Store - Tax amount is not getting changed if ‘Include Shipping In Taxes’ is enabled.

[ZPD-3670] - Marketing - Promotion - Incorrect pagination is being displayed for the ‘Amount Off Catalog’ promotion.

[ZPD-3683] - Web Store - The application behaves indifferently when the specific catalog is associated with the account.

[ZPD-3725] - Admin - Payment Method - The application allows users to create a Credit card payment method without requiring them to select the acceptable card.

[ZPD-3084] - OMS - Orders - Success message is not being displayed on the ‘Manage Order’ page when order details are updated.

[ZPD-3241] - Customer - Users - Add new button is being displayed for the ‘Does not require approval’ user.

[ZPD-3325] - Admin -- PIM -- Product -- Add Product --> Admin Users, who have access to only PIM & OMS are getting logged out when they click on product image(s).

[ZPD-3327] - Admin -- Admin users who have access to only OMS are not able to place an order for a new user/existing account that has no address saved.

[ZPD-3328] - New Admin User --> Pending Orders --> Currently unable to get into the order details page because the ‘View Order’ button is missing from the action column.

[ZPD-3330] - New Admin User --> Users are unable to add warehouses/vendors if they have partial access i.e. admin has access to PIM & OMS.

[ZPD-3336] - OMS - Orders - Incorrect total is displayed when the user clicks on the resend cart line item icon.

[ZPD-3358] - New Admin User (Has access to OMS-PIM-Marketing) --> Manage Order --> Users are getting logged out, when they are trying to edit billing & shipping address.

[ZPD-3441] - OMS - Orders - Incorrect product with SKU is displayed when return order mail is clicked.

[ZPD-3477] - Web Store -- The User is able to visit the single-page checkout even after the cart quantity is greater than the product quantity.

[ZPD-3602] - Marketing - Navigation is not being displayed properly when a new promotion is created.

[ZPD-3653] - OMS - Orders - Manage - Need proper space between the Reason and Unit Price field.

[ZPD-3666] - Web Store - Personalized value is not being displayed in the My Account - Order History Section.

[ZPD-3681] - Admin -- Manage Order --> Partial Return tax is being calculated incorrectly.

[ZPD-3687] - Web Store - The application is being redirected to the home page if checkout is done for products with add-on products.

[ZPD-1604] - Multifront - OMS - Inventory - Incorrect product quantity is being displayed for downloadable products.

[ZPD-3679] - Multifront - Web Store - The application allows users to enter characters in the quantity field.

[ZPD-3682] - OMS/Web Store - Users are being allowed to checkout by adding 3 3-digit CVV codes for American Express cards.

[ZPD-3741] - Promotions/Web Store- A large number of promotions are creating some issues on the web store.

[ZPD-3729] - An error message is displayed while deleting multiple records from Tools - Delete.

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