Release Notes

Release Notes / Version / May 5, 2021


Release Information

Znode release includes a minor security change and some bug fixes.


Breaking Changes

Security Changes in Payment API

The following new keys are added to the web.config file to prevent Payment API to be accessed from unidentified sources:

  • EnableSwagger: This key can be used to enable or disable the swagger
  • CORS_Domains: This key can be used to provide Payment API access to only specific admin and web store URLs
  • ZnodePrivateKey: This key is added so that the values from admin and web store keys can be compared with the value added for the key available in the Payment API so that access can be provided to applications whose key values match the key value available for the Payment API

It is essential to make sure that the appropriate values are set for these keys otherwise the payments will not work.

Other Breaking Changes

Please refer to this Breaking Changes Document for more information.

Issues Resolved


[ZPD-14172/ZLMC-2240] - Web Store - Multiple suggestions of the same product were getting displayed in the Search Suggestions when the same product was available in multiple categories.

[ZPD-14160] - Admin - When + sign was used in the Username field to create an admin user, the list pages used to break when the respective admin user used to log in to the admin application.


[ZPD-14444] -  Admin - An incorrect success message used to get displayed when any SEO record was deleted.


[ZPD-14426] - Web Store - On clicking the Back action of the Edit Billing Address section, the shipping address was getting cleared.


[ZPD-14388] - Admin - Blank/Null option was not getting displayed for the simple and multi-select product attributes when no default option was available.

Important: It is necessary to update the EDMX file to include the Is Default column.


[ZPD-14380/ZLMC-2346] - Admin - When same/duplicate AttributeDefaultValue were available for different Attribute Codes, then all the values were getting skipped from the Import process.


[ZPD-14351/ZLMC-2327] - Web Store - A continuous loader used to get displayed in the Billing Address section for certain scenarios.


[ZPD-14230] - Web Store- A continuous loader used to get displayed when Quote was converted to Order in some scenarios.


[ZPD-14193/ZLMC-2252] - Admin - Few error messages were not set for Customer import and therefore Import process was getting failed.


[ZPD-14121/ZLMC-2219] - Admin - Even after a product(s) is deleted, SEO entities were not getting deleted from the Publish SEO Entity table.


[ZPD-14071/ZLMC-2194] - Web Store - When pagination is changed, the sorting option was getting reset.


[ZPD-14436/ZLMC-2378] - Sequence of calls and access specifiers for Gift Card methods were not proper.

[ZPD-14434/ZLMC-2377] - The GenerateAccountActivationStatusEmail method of UserService was not overridable because InsertUserData method was private. 

[ZPD-14372] - Admin and Web Store - The products associated as Frequently Bought and You May Also Like were not getting displayed on the web store in the sequence defined in the admin application.

[ZPD-14024/ZLMC-2166] - Admin - Publish Failed message was not displaying in the red-colored progress bar.

[ZPD-14119/ZLMC-2217] - Admin - Even after selecting a file, the Media Selection popup was still displaying a message to select a file.

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