Release Notes

June 24, 2019

Issues Resolved

[ZPD-6114/ZLMC-496] - Admin & Web store - Even after a category was deactivated (disabled), customers (shoppers) were able to open the category page using the Category URL. This was due to the unavailability of Expiration and Activation date filter. 

To solve this issue, Expiration and Activation date filters were added in CategorySeoType method of SearchService.cs class.

[ZPD-6216/ZLMC-524] - Admin & Web store - Duplicate products were getting displayed on the web store when a category was published from the Manage Catalog module. 

To resolve this issue changes were made in PublishCatalogCategoryProductsForPreview method of CatalogService file

[ZPD-6237/ZLMC-530] - The stack overflow exception (i.e. a recursive call in code) was identified and resolved in GetAssociatedProducts method of PublishProductHelper class.

[ZPD-6261/ZLMC-537] - Admin & Web store - The Keywords Redirect feature used to consider case sensitivity to perform redirection on the web store. 

To resolve this issue, changes were made in CheckURLExistForSearchTerm method of SearchAgent class.

[ZPD-6262/ZLMC-537] - Admin & Web store - The Keywords Redirect feature does not work properly when multiple keywords were added.

To resolve this issue,

  • Changes were made in CheckURLExistForSearchTerm method of SearchAgent class

  • A new method GetUpdatedKeywordList was added in SearchAgent class

[ZPD-6277] - Admin - The published product ID’s of child products were getting changed after the product was published from the Products module. 

To resolve this issue, changes were made in Znode_InsertPublishProductIds stored procedure.

[ZPD-6293/ZLMC-542] - Admin & Web store - Product reviews were getting +removed from admin and from the web store after the product was published through catalog published. 

To resolve this issue, changes were made in Znode_GetPublishProducts and Znode_DeletePublishCatalogProduct stored procedures.

[ZPD-6295/ZLMC-538] - Admin & Web store - The Boost and Bury features did not work when product filters were applied on the product listing pages of the web store.  This was due to the existence of filter restriction on the Boost and Bury features.

To resolve this issue, changes were made in GetZnodeSearchRequest method of SearchService class.

[ZPD-6302/ZLMC-549] - API - Due to a hardcoded value, only 100 records were getting displayed when the tier price list was clicked from API. To resolve this issue, the actual length was passed using pageLength property through GetTierPriceList method of PriceService.cs file.

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