November 29, 2019
[ZPD-6797/ZPD-7902/ZPD-6795] - Performance: Publish
Administration / Commerce
When a catalog is published, a product attribute XML used to get generated with the details of all the attributes. This used to happen after every catalog publish.
Therefore to increase the performance of the Publish process and to reduce the publish completion time, now whenever a catalog will be published, the application would update the values of only the product attribvautes which were changed in the generated product attribute XML from second publish onwards.
Please refer to the Technical Document for more information
[ZPD-7337/ZPD-7209] - Product Page Code Optimizations
Shopper Experience
The code of the individual product page for configurable products has been optimized to a larger extent. This has increased the performance of the Configurable Product Page on the web-store.
Also, the order in which the attributes will be displayed on the Configurable Product Page on the web-store will now depend on the display order of attribute values saved from the Product Attributes module for the respective attributes.
Please refer to the below Technical Document for more information
[ZPD-7464/ZPD-7465] - Performance: Cart & Checkout pages
Shopper Experience / Commerce
The code of the Cart, Checkout, and Order processing areas have been optimized to a larger extent. This has not only increased the performance of the Cart and Checkout pages but has also reduced the order processing time.
Please refer to the Technical Document for more information
Issues Resolved
[ZPD-7102] - Admin - After saving certain changes to products from various areas, the status of the products do not use to display as Draft.
To resolve this issue,
Following were added
PimProductId property in AddOnProductDetailModel.cs
PimProductId property in PriceSKUModel.cs
PimProductId property in SKUPriceDeleteModel.cs
PimProductId property in ParameterModel.cs
SaveProductAsDraft method in ProductAssociationHelper.cs
PimProductId property in ParentProductAssociationModel.cs
PimProductId property in PriceSKUViewModel.cs
Changes were made
CreateSEODetails, UpdateSEODetails, productAssociationHelper and ProductAssociationHelper methods of SEOService.cs file
AssociateProduct, UnassociateProduct, UpdateAssociatedProduct, AssignLinkProduct, UnassignLinkProduct, UpdateAssignLinkProducts, AssignPersonalizedAttributes, UnassignPersonalizedAttributes, AddCustomField, UpdateCustomField, DeleteCustomField, AssociateAddon, DeleteAssociatedAddons, CreateAddonProductDetail, DeleteAddonProductDetails, UpdateProductAddonAssociation, UpdateAddonDisplayOrder and CreateProductChildAddonProductAssociation methods of ProductService.cs file
ZnodePimProduct method of ProductAssociationHelper.cs
AddSKUPrice, UpdateSKUPrice, ProductAssociationHelper and DeleteSKUPrice methods of PriceService.cs file
DeleteAddonProduct, AssociateAddonProduct and DeleteAddonProductDetail methods of ProductAgent.cs
DeleteSKUPrice method of PriceAgent.cs file
DeleteAddonProduct, AssociateAddonProduct and DeleteAddonProductDetail methods of IProductAgent.cs
DeleteSKUPrice method of IPriceAgent.cs file
DeleteAddonProduct, AssociatedAddonProduct and UnassociateAddonProducts methods of ProductsController.cs file
SEODetails, SEODetailsOfProduct, SEODetails and GetSEOTypeName methods of SEOController.cs file
AddSKUPrice, EditSKUPric, DeleteSKUPrice and DeleteTierPrice methods of PriceController.cs file
GetProductSEODetails, GetProductDefaultSEODetails and AssociateAddonProducts methods of Products.ts file
ProductSEO.cshtml file
[ZPD-7444/ZLMC-881] - Web store - The Znode web stores used to throw a script error on all the pages when the web store was opened on the latest version of Chrome (77).
To resolve this issue, changes were made in event.js and event.min.js files.
[ZPD-7882/ZLMC-963] - Admin & Web store - When a CMS page was disabled, it used to display a blank page on the web-store instead of a 404 error page.
To resolve this issue, changes were made in the ContentPageSeoType method of the SearchService.cs file.
[ZPD-7294/ZLMC-832] - Admin - Admin users were not being able to save the value of Global Attributes through the Mozilla browser.
To resolve this issue, changes were made in
_ActionRow.cshtml file
_DefaultValues.cshtml file
_DefaultValuesRow.cshtml file
_ValidationRule.cshtml file
ShowDefaultValueEditMode, ValidateAndSaveDefaultAttributeValue, SetDeleteValueOnDeleteClick, SaveEditButtonClick and BindDefaultValueSaveClick of GlobalAttribute.ts file
[ZPD-7758/ZLMC-946] - Admin & Web store - When two or more coupons are created for different categories then only the first coupon used to work.
To resolve this issue, changes were made in the ApplyDiscount method of the ZnodeCartPromotionPercentOffCategory file.
[ZPD-7852] - Admin - The Stack Trace Filter did not used to work for the Application Logs list.
To resolve this issue, changes were made in,
FilterKeys.cs file
ReplaceFilterKeys method of LogMessageService.cs file
[ZPD-7874] - Product details did not use to get updated in MongoDB if the Product’s status was Draft.
To resolve this issue, changes were made in Znode_InsertUpdatePimCatalogProductDetail stored procedure.
[ZPD-7884/ZLMC-965] - Order Summary Section Changes on Checkout Page
To implement this enhancement, changes were made in _TotalTable.cshtml file.
[ZPD-7887/ZLMC-966] - Web store - When 2 or more customers (shoppers) with a different profile apply the same promotion, then the promotion did not use to work for the second and following customers.
To resolve this issue, changes were made in CalculateEachPromotion method of ZnodeCartPromotionManager.cs file.
[ZPD-7918/ZLMC-972] - The publish status of Catalog used to get saved before it’s index was created, because of which admin users were able to publish other elements (like products) after the Catalog publish status was saved and before the index was created. Due to this the publish process used to save incomplete details.
To resolve this issue, changes were made in the Publish, PreviewCatalog and PublishCatalogForPreview methods of CatalogService.cs file. Therefore now, admin users will be able to publish only one element at a time.
[ZPD-7926/ZLMC-975] - Admin - The Product publish count column used to display 0 value in some scenarios even after the Catalog was published successfully.
To resolve this issue,
Changes were made in:
Publish method of ProductService.cs file
PublishProduct method of ProductAgent.cs file
ErrorCodes.cs file
ResourceConstants.cs file
PIM_Resources.Designer.cs file
Following were added:
CheckCatalogOrCategoryPublishAlreadyInProgress method in ProductService.cs file
[ZPD-8020/ZLMC-989/ZPD-8026/ZLMC-998] - Web store - 'Percent Off Category' promotion/coupon did not used to work when more than one promotion/coupon was created with the same 'Minimum Order Amount' value.
To resolve this issue, changes were made in the ApplyDiscount method of the ZnodeCartPromotionPercentOffCategory file.