This feature was introduced in Znode 9.9
Introduction to Smart View
Navigate to: Commerce Portal Pages > Smart View
Following a successful login to Commerce Portal Head, the user is redirected to the Smart View, where all Orders that the logged-in user has access to are listed in different sections based on the status of the Orders.
Smart View has the following areas that the logged-in user may have access to:
- My Orders - In Progress
- Delegated to Me - In Progress
- My Team’s Unassigned Orders
- My Team’s Orders - In Progress
- Following - In Progress
- My Orders - In Fulfillment
- My Team’s Orders - In Fulfillment
- Following - In Fulfillment
- My Orders - Recently Finalized
- Following - Recently Finalized
Smart View Tools
Create Order Button - Users can create Orders using this feature. Please click here to learn more about Create Order.
This will be the standard list search capability.
Users can search for Orders using the following parameters but search results will be displayed on the All Orders Page and not on Smart View:
- Order Number
- Account Name
- Account Phone Number
- User Email
- User First Name
- User Last Name
- Owner First Name
- Owner Last Name
- User Phone Number
Records that match the search parameters will be displayed in the following columns:
- Order Number
- Account Name
- Customer Name
- Status
- Created
- Last Updated
- Total
- Owner
Users can filter Orders using one or more of the following filters:
- Order Number
- Account Name
- Customer Name
- Status (Order/Product)
- Owner
- Total
The Tools section is used to take actions on one or multiple Order lines at once. Tools will have the following options for the logged-in user:
- Assign To Me
- Using this option, the logged-in user can assign the selected Orders to himself/herself i.e. will change the Order Owner to the logged-in user.
- Users will be able to change Order Owners when the following conditions are true:
- Order is in a Status that is editable i.e. Edit attribute for a Status is set to true.
- Either “Assign to Me” or “Assign To Anyone” along with “Can be Assigned to Order” permissions are set to true for the logged-in user.
- Once the Order is assigned to the logged-in user then that user will be added to the Order Following list.
- The “Assign To Me” option will be hidden in case when “Assign to Me” and “Assign to Anyone” both these permissions for the user are set to false.
- Assign To
- Using this option, the logged-in users can assign the selected Orders to other Users i.e. will change the Order Owner to the selected user.
- Logged-in users with “Assign to Anyone” permission can assign Orders to the other users who have “Can be Assigned to Orders” permission set to true.
- Users with “Assign to My Team” permission can assign Orders to the following Users:
- Users with the logged-in user as their Manager and have the permission "Can be Assigned to Orders" set to true.
- Users who belong to the same user Group as the logged-in user and have the permission "Can be Assigned to Orders" set to true.
- Users will be able to change Order Owners for the selected Orders that are in a Status that is editable i.e. Edit attribute for a Status is set to true.
- Once the Order is assigned to the other users then that user will be added to the Order Following list.
- The “Assign To” option will be hidden in case when “Assign to My Team” and “Assign to Anyone” both this permission for the logged-in user are set to false.
- Unassign Orders
- Using this option, the logged-in user can remove the Order Owner for the selected Orders and set the Order Owner to Unassigned.
- Users will be able to remove Order Owners when the following conditions are true:
- Order is in a Status that is editable i.e. Edit attribute for a Status is set to true.
- “Unassign” permission is set to true.
- The “Unassign” option will be hidden in case the “Unassign” permission for the logged-in user is set to false.
- Follow
- Using this option, the logged-in user can add the selected Orders to their Following list.
- Unfollow
- Using this option, the logged-in user can remove the selected Orders from their Following list.
- Print (Order Receipt)
- The logged-in user can generate Order Receipts of the selected Orders using this option.
- Each Order Receipt will be generated on a separate page.
Smart View Display
All the Orders in the Smart View will be displayed with the details in the following columns:
- Order Number
- Unique Order ID that is generated based on configurations in the admin console.
- Account Name
- Name of the Account if selected while creating an Order.
- Blank if Account is not selected.
- Customer Name
- First Name and Last Name of the Customer will be displayed.
- If First Name or Last Name does not exist then Username will be displayed in this Column.
- Status
- Current Status of an Order
- Created
- This will be the Order Creation date and time.
- Age
- This will be a special calculated column that will only be available in the Smart View.
- Age will be displayed in the following format:
- <#>Days <#>Hrs (E.G. 10 Days 5 Hrs)
- Days will not be shown if it is less than 1.
- Days and Hours will be calculated based on the Order Creation time.
- Last Updated
- This will show the time when the Order was updated last time.
- Total
- This will be the Total of an Order displayed based on the Culture selected.
- Owner
- The Order Owner is the user to whom the Order is currently assigned.
Following action buttons are available for all the Orders in Smart View:
- Quick View
- When the user clicks on the Quick View action button, the Quick View pop-up will appear with the following details about an Order:
- Order Header will display the following information:
- Order Number
- Order Total
- Order Status (including the color style)
- In the next section:
- Customer Name
- The First Name and Last name of the Customer.
- Company Name
- If an Account is associated with the Order then Account Name will be displayed.
- If not then the Company Name from the shipping address will be displayed.
- Shipping to
- City and State/Province from the shipping address.
- Blank if no address has been defined yet
- Order Date
- Date and Time of Order Creation
- Order Type
- If not set - this label and field will be hidden.
- Shipping Method
- Blank if no method has been selected.
- Owner
- Display the name of the admin user the Order is assigned to
- Or the word “Unassigned” if the Owner is blank.
- Last Updated
- This will show the time when the Order was updated last time.
- Fulfilled Date
- Order Fulfilled Date from the Order details will be displayed here.
- Display “N/A” if not filled in.
- Customer Name
- Order Header will display the following information:
- Product Header will display the following information:
- Product Name (#) - Total number of line items.
- QTY (#) - Total quantity of all the line items.
- Total (#) - Order Subtotal (excluding shipping, taxes, etc.)
- For the line items, the following information will be displayed:
- Product Name
- Price
- Total
- When the user clicks on the Quick View action button, the Quick View pop-up will appear with the following details about an Order:
- Open Order
- Clicking on this action icon will open the edit/manage Order screen.
- Clicking on this action icon will open the edit/manage Order screen.
- Assign To
- This action icon will help the logged-in user to assign the Order to other users based on the permissions (as explained above).
- Duplicate Order
- This action icon will create a duplicate record of the one that is selected.
- Users can duplicate Orders in the following ways:
- With Shipping Information
- Without Shipping Information
- New Order will be created and the following information will be duplicated:
- Store Information
- Account Information
- User Information
- Order Type
- User Groups
- Order Flags (in open state)
- Products
- Product Flags (in open state)
- Order Notes
- Order Status and Line Item Status will be the default Status.
- Owner of the Order will be the user who is duplicating the Order.
If the option to duplicate ‘Order with Shipping Information’ is selected then the following shipping information will also be duplicated:
Ship To
Ship To Phone
Shipping Method
Tracking Information
Shipping Option
Shipping Notes
Smat View Sections
Here is the detailed information related to each of the sections:
- My Orders - In Progress
- Background Color: (#FF9900, #FFFFFF).
- Orders with the following conditions will be displayed in this section:
- Owner = Logged-in User
- And Order Status with Edit Status Attribute = “Yes”.
- Delegated to Me - In Progress
- Background Color: (#FFAD32, #FFFFFF).
- Orders with the following conditions will be displayed in this section:
- Owner = User where the logged-in user is set as one of their delegates
- And Order Status with Edit Status Attribute = “Yes”.
- My Team’s Unassigned Orders
- Background Color: (#F1C232, #FFFFFF).
- Orders with the following conditions will be displayed in this section:
- Orders that have at least one User Group in common with the User Groups assigned to the logged-in user.
- And Order Status with Edit Status Attribute = “Yes”.
- And Owner = blank (not assigned)
- This section will be visible to the user if any of the permissions is set to true:
- See All Unassigned Orders
- See Next Unassigned Order
- If only this permission is set to True then only the next unassigned order in the queue will be displayed to the users.
- My Team’s Orders - In Progress
- Background Color: (#800080, #FFFFFF).
- Orders with the following conditions will be displayed in this section
- Orders that have at least one User Group in common with the User Groups assigned to the logged-in user.
- And Order Status with Edit Status Attribute = “Yes”.
- This section will be visible to the user if the “See My User Groups Order” permission is set to true.
- Following - In Progress
- Background Color: (#A64CA6, #FFFFFF).
- Orders with the following conditions will be displayed in this section:
- Order that the logged-in user is following.
- And Order Status with Edit Status Attribute = “Yes”.
- My Orders - In Fulfillment
- Background Color: (#3B6BB9, #FFFFFF).
- Orders with the following conditions will be displayed in this section:
- Owner = Logged-in User
- And Order Status with Edit Status Attribute = “No”.
- And Order Status with Working/Not Shipped Status Attribute = “Yes”.
- My Team’s Orders - In Fulfillment
- Background Color: (#4A86E8, #FFFFFF)
- Orders with the following conditions will be displayed in this section:
- Orders that have at least one User Group in common with the User Groups assigned to the logged-in user.
- And Order Status with Edit Status Attribute = “No”.
- And Order Status with Working/Not Shipped Status Attribute = “Yes”.
- This section will be visible to the user if the “See My User Groups Order” permission is set to true.
- Following - In Fulfillment
- Background Color: (#6E9EEC, #FFFFFF).
- Orders with the following conditions will be displayed in this section:
- Order that the logged-in user is following.
- And Order Status with Edit Status Attribute = “No”.
- And Order Status with Working/Not Shipped Status Attribute = “Yes”.
- My Orders - Recently Fulfilled
- Background Color: (#6AA84F, #FFFFFF).
- Orders with the following conditions will be displayed in this section:
- Owner = Logged-in User
- And Order Status with Working/Not Shipped Status Attribute = “No”.
- Order Fulfilled Date is within the last 168 hours (7 days)
- Following - Recently Fulfilled
- Background Color: (#96C283, #FFFFFF).
- Orders with the following conditions will be displayed in this section:
Order that the logged-in user is following.
And Order Status with Working/Not Shipped Status Attribute = “No”.
Order Fulfilled Date is within the last 168 hours (7 days)
Important Points:
- This view can not have the sort changed.
- Every section will have only 10 records (the latest ones).