Dynamic Schema - Global Attributes, Groups, and Families - V9

Using the Znode Dynamic Schema capabilities you are able to create custom Attributes for all of the following:

  • Stores
  • Accounts
  • Users
  • Forms
  • Content Containers

The general process for this is:

  1. Define the attributes you need, and decide the attribute type and details.
  2. Create the Global Attribute you need, while choosing the correct type (for forms use the type Content Container).  See: Managing Global Attribute 
  3. Add the Global Attribute to an Existing Global Attribute Group, or create a new Global attribute Group.  See: Managing Global Attribute Groups
  4. Then:
    1. For Store, Account, and User Attributes:
      1. Add the Group, as needed, to the Store, Account, or User Global attribute family. See: Managing Global Attribute Families
    2. For Content Containers:
      1. Create your Content Container. See: Managing Content Container
    3. For Forms:
      1. Create your form. See: Creating and Managing Custom Forms

Store - Custom Groups and Attributes - Where do they show?

Stores & Reps > Stores > choose your store > Additional Attributes

Account - Custom Groups and Attributes - Where do they show?

Customers > Accounts  > choose the account  > Additional Attributes

User - Custom Groups and Attributes - Where do they show?

Customers > Users > choose the user > Additional Attributes

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