Release Notes

March 12, 2019


Performance: Serve Header Menu Navigation From Cache Memory

Shopper Experience

The Znode application now allows the category menu options (shown on the web store) to be saved in the cache memory of the web server, whenever a customer (shopper) visits the web store.

After the category menu options are saved, then if a customer opens the web store, the category menu options in the header will be served from the cache memory.

The saving of category menu options in the cache memory has significantly reduced the loading time of the web store category menu header. 

Note: The saving of category menu options in the cache memory will be compatible with profile and non-profile based web pages.

Performance: Reduced Number Of DB Calls To Load Product Information

Shopper Experience

Earlier, when the product publish-process was in progress, the web store used to initiate a large number of service calls to display configurable product’s information on the product listing page and on the individual product page. This was because, when a configurable product was published, the parent and child products were published separately.

With this release, when an admin user will try to publish a configurable product(s), it’s parent and child products will be published together, thereby reducing the database calls and the loading time of the product information on the product listing page and on the individual product page.

Performance: Donut Caching Improvements

Shopper Experience

Earlier, web store pages were not saved in the cache memory of the web server when even one product was available in the cart.

With this release, irrespective of whether products are available in the cart or not, Znode application will allow all the highly usable web pages (like the home page, product pages, category pages, etc) to be saved from the cache memory of the web server whenever customer (shopper) visits the web store.

After the web pages are saved, then if a customer (shopper) will open a web store, the web page will be served from the cache memory of the web server.

This type of caching has significantly reduced the loading time of the web page loading process.


  1. The cart count shown on the web store is Ajaxified in Znode’s base theme. Any Znode application which uses customized Znode base theme or any new theme will need to get the cart count through Ajax and not through the cache memory.
    Please note that if the cart count is not Ajaxified, then customers (shoppers) will see the count which was saved in the cache memory for the first time. Therefore it is quite possible that the customers (shoppers) might see a wrong cart count on the web store. 

    GetCount Controller can be called through <web store domain name>.com/home/GetCartCount

Performance: Change In Get Product Details Query


The database query used in WebstoreWidgetService.GetProducts() method of Znode application has been changed. 

This has significantly reduced the number of service calls initiated to fetch the product details and has also reduced the product details loading time on the product listing page and on the product details page.

Performance: Widget Ajaxification

Shopper Experience

All the widgets available on the Znode’s base theme are Ajaxified.

This allows the Znode application to load the contents of all the widgets parallel to each other when the web store is opened. 

Parallel loading has significantly reduced the loading time required to fetch the content on the web pages (using base theme).

Non-Ajaxified Widget Signature

Ajaxified Widget Signature


  1. Any Znode web application which uses customized Znode base theme or any new theme will require to implement Ajaxification in theme’s widgets.

  2. The zip file of patch contains three new file Znode Ajaxify.ts, _WidgetAjax.cshtml and _WidgetPlaceHolder.cshtml add their reference in visual studio solution.

Issue Resolved

[ZPD-4959] - Admin Application - On Admin >> Payment Methods >> Edit Payment Method page, payment options were not getting displayed for Amazon Pay payment method. This issue is resolved.

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