Adding Google Analytics and Tracking Pixels to a Store


Navigate To: Stores and Reps > Stores > Manage Store > Analytics

Administrators who want to use Google Analytics services to analyze in-depth details about the visitors of a store can configure the same by adding the Analytics ID and Container ID supplied by Google Analytics in this section. Administrators can also add tracking scripts from other platforms to the store in the Tracking Pixels section.

Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics Details :



Container ID:

This field needs to include the container ID received from the created Google Analytics account.

Enabled - This field needs to be enabled in order to get the results from Google Analytics

Analytics ID:

This field needs to include the Analytics ID received from the created Google Analytics account.

Enabled - This field needs to be enabled in order to get the results from Google Analytics

Enable Standard & Enhanced Ecommerce - When this field is enabled and the correct configurations are done the data from the webstore gets passed through the data layer. 

Tracking Pixel:

This field needs to include the HTML/Javascript code snippet provided by any third-party platform for tracking purposes.

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