Configuring General Store Information


Navigate to: Stores and Reps > Store > Manage > General

To start, Stores must be saved using General information before additional tabs for Store configuration will be displayed. After a Store is saved, all remaining store details can be managed via the "Manage" action.

General Store Settings

Store Detail


Brand Name

Indicates Store Name

Store Name

Internal Znode Store Name

Store Code

Indicates unique Store code


Select an existing Catalog to associate to the store. References PIM > Catalogs.


Select an existing Site Theme to associate to the store. References CMS > Site Themes.


Select CSS associated with Site Theme

Enable SSL

This enables SSL protection for the store. Adds "https://" before URL.

Administrator's Email

Enter the email address for the Store Administrator displayed to customers of the store.

Sales Department Email

Enter the Sales Department email address displayed to customers of the store.

Customer Service Email

Enter Customer Service email address displayed to customers of the store.

Sales Department Phone Number

Enter the Sales Department phone number displayed to customers of the store.

Customer Service Phone Number

Enter the Customer Service phone number displayed to customers of the store

Default Customer Review status

Indicates Customers Review Status for Store. If the status is "Published" then the Review is displayed in the store.

Default Order Status

Select the Default Order Status for customers. After checkout, Default Order Status is displayed to customers.

Requires Manual Approval Of Every Order

When this setting is checked and saved, manual approval is required for every order. This setting works with the “Save” action and no store publish is required.

Enable Cart Redirect

When this setting is checked and saved, the customers are redirected to the cart page instead of the home page when the store URL is opened in the browser. This setting works with the “Save” action.

Enable Address Validation

When this setting is checked and saved, address validation for USPS is enabled. This setting works with the "Save" action and no store publish is required.

Enable Product Comparison

When this setting is checked and saved, the option for product comparison is available on the store. This setting works with the “Save” action and no store publish is required.

Enable Profile Based Search

When this setting is checked and saved, Profile Based Search is enabled. This setting works with the "Save" action and no store publish is required.

Enable Voice-Based Search

When this setting is checked and saved, a voice search is available in the store. This setting works with the "Save" action and no store publish is required.

Enable CMS Based Search

When this setting is checked and saved, the CMS page search results are displayed on the search result page of the store.

Enable Barcode ScannerWhen this setting is checked and saved, the scan icon is visible on the webstore beside the search icon which the user can make use of to scan the Barcodes.
Enable Inheritance of Child Category products to Parent CategoryWhen this setting is checked and saved, products of Child Categories are displayed in the respective Parent Categories as well. (Note - By default, this box is unchecked).

User Registration Method

This setting allows administrators to enable or disable verifications for the newly created accounts. Administrators can set no verification, email verification, or admin verification for new user accounts. This setting works with the “Save” action and no store publish is required.

User Registration Method

1. Self Registration with no email verification - This is the default method for user registration which needs no verification or approval.

2. Self-registration with Email verification - this method sends a notification message to a user with instructions and the next steps for accessing an account.

3. Self-registration with Admin approval - this method sends a notification message to a user after creating an account.

In Stock Message

The message can be customized for particular stores about the availability of the product.

Out of Stock Message

The message can be customized for any particular store if the product is not available in the inventory.

Back Order Message

The message can be customized when the product will be available again in Inventory.

An administrator can turn on voice search with the search box on the webstore. Using voice search shoppers can search for products using product names/SKUs and continue shopping.

  1. Navigate to: Store Settings> General

  2. Scroll down on the right and check on Enable Voice-Based Search

  3. To use voice search on the webstore :

    1. Click the microphone icon shown in the below Image

    2. Say the term that needs to be searched 

    3. Click the microphone icon again to end the dictation

    4. The words will enter the search box

Google Search API key needs to be integrated into Znode in order to enable Voiced-Based Search. The steps are as follows:

  1. Create a Google developer account
  2. Go to the Google developer console
  3. Create a project, then go to Library on the right
  4. Find the Speech API section, and enable it.
  5. Get the Google API key from the screen.
  6. Add key to the VoiceRecognition.ts(Znode.Engine.Webstore project) > VoiceRecognitionModel > google_api_key


  1.  On the client browser, the user has to enable microphone access.
  2. No actions or installation steps are required other than the above-mentioned steps.

Enabling Barcode Scanner

An administrator can turn on the Barcode Scanner search on the webstore. Using a Barcode, shoppers can search for products and continue shopping.

  1. Navigate to: Store Settings> General
  2. Scroll down on the right and check on Enable Barcode Scanner.
    Important Note - When a barcode is scanned, the system compares the received code with all available UPC codes of the products in the system. If an exact match is found, the PDP (Product Detail Page) of the corresponding product is opened; otherwise, the system displays a "No Records Found" error.

  3. To use:
    1. Click on the scanner shown in the image below.

    2. Scan the barcode of the product to be searched

Configuring Barcode Scanner

Barcode scanning capability is provided through an integration with Dynamsoft Barcode Reader Javascript Web SDK. Follow these steps to configure:

  1. Get the license from Dynamsoft Barcode Reader.
  2. Add it to the API web.config > appsetting > BarcodeScannerLicenseKey key.

Note: A separate license will need to be purchased for this. There are several yearly options for purchasing available on their website. A license key is provided after purchase and this key needs to be entered in the web.config file.

Enable Inheritance of Child Category products to Parent Category

Administrators can turn this setting on to show the products of Child categories in the respective Parent categories.
Note - By default, this box is unchecked.

This gives administrators the flexibility to display products from child categories into all their parent categories in all hierarchies OR products from child categories into respective categories only as per the needs. The setting will be applicable for any catalog used on the web store (i.e Store or Account or Profile Catalog).

Ex 1: Consider Hardware is the parent category and Chain and Rope, Doorknobs and Locks are the child categories, in this scenario, considerations will be as follows:

  1. Hardware = P1 
  2. Chain and Rope = C1 
  3. Doorknobs = C2 
  4. Locks = C3 

Any Products added under C1, C2 or C3 will be visible under P1

Ex 2: Consider Tools  is the parent category and Power Tools is the child category of tools and Drills  is the Child Category of power tools and Cordless is the Child Category of drills, in this scenario considerations will be as follows:

  1. Tools = P1
  2. Power Tools = C1
  3. Drills = C11
  4. Cordless = C111 

Any products added under C111 will be visible under C11, C1 as well as P1

Any products added under C11 will be visible under C1 and P1

Any products added under C1 will be visible under P1

Enable Add to Cart Option for Product Sliders

Administrators can turn this setting on/off by checking/unchecking the checkbox. This will give the shoppers the flexibility to add products to the cart from Recommended Products Slider, Replacement Products Slider, Recently Viewed Products Slider, Frequently Bought, Products Slider, and You May Also Like Products Slider.

Enable Address Validation

For more details on this please refer to the article USPS Address Recommendation

Order Notification Alert For Admin Users

Znode stores allow admin users to configure if order notifications should be sent over a specific amount, to a specified email address, as orders are placed, or for all orders.

For e.g. Admin users can configure $1,000 if they want all orders that are greater than $1,000 in total amount to be emailed.

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